tape shed potential.


New member
hey, how old to tapes have to be before this is a real threat.
i have some 8 track reel to reel tapes from 1985 that i want to play, but dont want to gunk up evrything.
iv read about baking tapes and all that but thats not an option at this point.
so what are my chances of playing this without problem?
what are my chances of playing this without problem?
If we're talking about Ampex 456, the chances are slim to none that you'll escape SSS! :(

Unless you stored the tapes in a temperature controlled vault, at 70F, humidity at 50%, no dust, no sunlight and no exposure to magnetic fields.

Temp and humidity though are the most critical for avoidance of the problem.

Are you sure baking is out of the question? Dehydrators sell for around 30 to 50 bucks State side. :cool:

Cheers! :)
There's an easy way to tell if the tape suffers from sticky-shed syndrome (but given that it's from '85 it probably does). Take a fresh Q-Tip and rub the oxide side of the tape, preferably as far in from the tail (you do store tails out, right? ;)) as you're comfortable with. If you create a shiny spot, then it's sss, and you need to bake it.
hmm ok.
acually its in a memorex 90 box so im assuming thats what kind of tape it is.
there not permenantly my tapes so i didnt want to run them through and destroy them! thats allso why i cant bake them.
im not sure about the tempreture, he keeps most his place at like 70 degrees or so, for his intruments, but im not sure if where this was stored had as lovely conditions. speaking of the hole tales out deal (i hate to sound this much like an ediot)......how can i tell how it was stored without having wound them myself.