Tapco S10s... well, any studio sub...


New member
I've got a pair of Alesis M1MkII for my nearfeilds, and I'm looking for a sub to bolster the bass in the mix.

Whilst my budget isn't exactly astronomical, it's more than enough to cover a S10, or possibly something better, although I can't seem to find anything else that suits my needs, which are:

Small sub for nearfeild, with response above 50Hz (the bottom end of the M1s). Preferably with stereo input, and with a cross-over that isn't going to totally screw the phase...

So, two questions:
1) Is the s10 any good, or should I bite the bullet and fork out double for something like a genelec or mackie? and
2) Is there another alternative sub that I should take a look at.
