Talent Show


Hey Gang I need some help.

You may remember that my daughter and her friend wrote a little song a month or so ago. Well, they have decided to sing that song at their talent show for their school. Since the quick and dirty song we did wasn't very good(production wise), I told her I would rerecord all of the music for them to sing over.

Anyhow, the auditions are this Wednesday and I have to have it done. This is where I'm at on it and would love some feedback.

Original version for comparison

Friendship for talent show

I have added a harpsichord sound for the main vocal line to help things for now. This will be removed for the versus they will sing over.

The song will be played over their school pa (4 ev speakers hanging) so its nothing great. Any feedback on the mix or production welcome!! I want it to be as perfect as I can so they shine onstage.

To me, it's good and punchy. I feel it should come across as good as possible on the system you are gonna be using. I hear all of the instruments well, so I'm thinking it will come across that way for them. Really a pretty decent mix...very open sounding. Hope they have fun man....:D
awesomeness man, thanks for listening!

Yea I can't wait, they are so excited. They are like the only kids to ever perform a song that they wrote. Maybe I"ll post a video of the event.
yea I hear ya. I asked if she wanted to re do it with the "updated" backing track and she said "Heck yes!" I suppose we'll do it after the talent show.

Yes I am pumped. I'm sure I'll be the a-hole Dad with a tripod and cam in everyone elses way. I just think this will be one of those moments that she looks back on and is proud of. *tear*
Yeah, the timing in particular is a lot better. I think it could handle more low end, but honestly, depending on the system it'll be playing through, it probably won't matter...if it's anything like our schools and churches around here, the guy running it will have it peaking at about -30 db and all you'll hear are the girls.
lol yea your right. They usually blast the kids with the very quiet.

Good call on the bass. I'm high passing at around 75 thinking that on their system to much low bass may make it sound like mud. Maybe I over did it though.

Yea the timing... lol. As you could probably hear, the original version was done acoustic and girl live. Then I went back and played bass and drums on my keyboard after the fact. Thats hard to do when you didn't use a metronome in the first place.

Thanks for listening
False alarm.. :mad:

Well, actually the kids had a snow day because of the ice storm the night before so the audish got rescheduled to a yet undisclosed date. :confused: I"m thinking it'll be next Tuesday or so.

Thanks for asking and i'll keep you posted!
Not bad! As a concept, the song fits the age bracket and purpose very very well. If it were my song, I would probably boost the drum tracks (kick?) a touch, but that's just me. If you spent an afternoon with the girls working on hitting the harmonies, then I bet they would floor the auditorium (instead of merely getting a standing ovation).

Very well done!


Not bad! As a concept, the song fits the age bracket and purpose very very well. If it were my song, I would probably boost the drum tracks (kick?) a touch, but that's just me. If you spent an afternoon with the girls working on hitting the harmonies, then I bet they would floor the auditorium (instead of merely getting a standing ovation).

Very well done!



Agreed. They've been practicing the singing and are much better at it now, I think they'll do fine with it.

I think I do agree some with the kick, it get's lost some when the mix gets busy. I think tweak the mbc a little to get more pump out of the low end.

I like the new version Space...and I would keep the harpischord in there as part of the backing...it sounds really good.

Thanks True!

Ya know, my GF also said that about the harpsichord. I thought it was *ok* but that it may be distracting from the vocals. I dunno, maybe I will just bury it but leave it.

Thanks for checking it out True!! I'm going to post the video of the performance once they do it. The actual show is March 14th.

thanks babe!
I remember this.:)

The mix sounds well balanced VSpace.

The harpsichord is a good idea. It gives the singers a melodic thread to help stay on track (especially if good monitoring is a problem) but at the same time it's thin enough so as not to compete with the sound of their voices.

[I wrote more but I was getting emotional about the father-daughter thing and how technicalities won't matter in the least compared to your daughter's experience of just making music with her dad, and that I've experienced the same thing, and that there's nothing better than that, blah, blah, blah... so I edited it out to avoid embarassment.:D]
Bastard. I'm all teary-eyed and that messes with my macho self image.

My wife's gonna cry like a baby when she sees this, especially when they put their arms around each others' back near the end.

But seriously, great vid. Great thread.