Take Me Down.. To The River

Good job on the arrangement. I like that mellotron, it's suitably mournful. Mix sounds fine on headphones, drums & vocals are clear & present . Very nice melody, I really like the song. The melancholy mood suits me right now
Got better and better as it went on. I hate whatever is playing when you start singing...sounds like a pan flute on steroids, LOL...but that's obviously a personal preference thing.

Drums sound really good. What are you using for drums? If you say "drums," that's cool, it's just getting harder and harder to tell these days.

Nice job with the strings too.

Damn, there's that fucking pan flute at the end again. :D

In all seriousness, I liked this a lot and I thought the mix was very good.
Congrats for the clean arrangement and well recorded and defined instruments / vox (what gives you the possibility to use more (or much more):D reverbs and delays (...but it´s my personal taste).

Just curious, what is "recorded" and what is sampler?


I LOVE the flutes.

Remind me a little of a Mellotron, and I think they work well with the Vocal.

Songs sure has a "mood" or character to it. Recording, aside, the song is just excellent.

Is the Vocal maybe mixed a tad loud ?

What pre-amp ?

haha - what is that on the Left speaker, just before the drums kick in?
(Sounds like somebody says something)

A mis-edit ?

You know what........ if you got time, why not just list your whole setup for this ?

Answer the questions for the guys asking about samples, and I love to know some of the particular details on other instruments as well.
It DOES sound good. Reminds me of Crash test Dummies for some reason. The mix overall seems a little out of whack. Maybe some Professional Mastering will fix that? Nice job.
Starts off cool with the mellotron. Try taking some bass out of it though its almost a litle to fuzzy/distorting kinda sounding.

Vocals are cool maybe not your best proformence but decent and they sound good.

The acoustic guitar would work better more towards the center I think. When the drums come in they sound full and fit well with the song. Are those recorded? the snare sound is really good fits perfectly into the song.

Did you record the strings? Your voice at times sounds kinda dead almost flat.
Wow, thanks everyone! Let´s see if I can answer all the questions.

Got better and better as it went on. I hate whatever is playing when you start singing...sounds like a pan flute on steroids, LOL...but that's obviously a personal preference thing.
Hahaha! Well, it´s the only fake thing in the mix, a ´mellotron flute´ patch from my Roland synthesizer. It´s not supposed to sound ´good´, but a little Strawberry Fields-like, you know?

Drums sound really good. What are you using for drums? If you say "drums," that's cool, it's just getting harder and harder to tell these days.
It´s a Slingerland kit, brass snare, pinstripes everywhere and a Aquarian Modern Vintage skin on the snare. Zildjian K´s for cymbals mostly. Not much fancy in the mic department: Shure PG´s for the toms and kick (51), Sm57 on snare, two Sony overheads. Reverb from the Lexicon MPX200. A little compression by Blockfish.

Is the Vocal maybe mixed a tad loud ?
What pre-amp ?
haha - what is that on the Left speaker, just before the drums kick in?
(Sounds like somebody says something)
A mis-edit ?
You know what........ if you got time, why not just list your whole setup for this ?
Answer the questions for the guys asking about samples, and I love to know some of the particular details on other instruments as well.

Yes, maybe in the beginning it´s a little too upfront. Anyway, it´s the inboard preamp from my Mackie VLZ.
The speaking is a mis-edit indeed, this is just an in-between mix for this site, and I have to clean up a lot of tracks still...
I´m not in the studio, so i will try to remember my whole set-up. Drums mentioned above, guitar is a Yamaha something with the Rode at the 12th fret and another condensator at the body. Bass is probably a Squier that was laying around, going through a Bassman 100, DI´d and miced with the PG51. Violins and cello are real, all recorded with the Rode, for violin on a safe distance of 2-3 foot, and for cello pretty close-miked at the body near one of the soundholes.

The mix overall seems a little out of whack. Maybe some Professional Mastering will fix that? Nice job.
You´re absolutely right, there is quite a build-up in the low-mids. I tried to do a mastering job myself at home.. on cheap speakers.. but here it is, according to me it´s much and much (and much) better: http://boomp3.com/m/7dfd31c33e60

Starts off cool with the mellotron. Try taking some bass out of it though its almost a litle to fuzzy/distorting kinda sounding.

The acoustic guitar would work better more towards the center I think. When the drums come in they sound full and fit well with the song. Are those recorded? the snare sound is really good fits perfectly into the song.

It´s meant to be distorting, I doubled the track and complety destroyed it with a distortion/fuzz plugin, which I mixed in to taste.
About the guitars: you might be right. Anyway, when the drums come in they are doubled, so that might explain the change in sound.

Thanks all!!!
I'm putting out an extremely low-budget indie compilation album in February, called "Basement Champions, Vol 1".

It's supposed to only be local to where I live (Ontario, Canada) but if your interested, this track would be awesome to slip on there as well.

haha - I'd just lie and list your band as being from "Springfield, Ontario" which don't exist.

Don't know why - I just think this track would sit so cool with the other 11 songs that will be on the comp.

Would you be interested in that?
Wow... this is the best thing I've heard on this site in ages. This is a really beautiful song with a graceful arrangement. Great job - I wouldn't change a thing.
I'm not crazy about the synth sound at all...it sounds really harsh to my ears..I'm not sure it you are using pitch shifting or not, but it sounds like it.

I would LOVE to hear this with some real violins..a whole orchestral backing in fact...that would rock.:cool:

Love the vocals and your voice has a sorta haunting sound to it.

I really dig the whole overall melody of the song...just not the synth sound.:)
It are real strings in fact.. a doubled violinplayer and cellist. And a real mellotron instead of synth.. Thanks anyway! ;)