XXX Music

New member
Based on the feedback I've received here and in other places, I've revised my little "manifesto" somewhat. Please distribute freely. More feedback and debate is greatly appreciated.


1. Artists can now distribute their own music en masse via the Internet (obviously).

2. Ergo, record companies are no longer needed for music distribution - they are very expensive MIDDLEMEN.

3. By cutting out the middlemen, we can reduce the price of music, increase the amount of money that goes directly to artists, and widen the viability of artistic endeavors.

4. If we DO give the money directly to artists online, they will be able to accumulate budgets for all functions now performed by record companies: Promotion, physical distribution of CD's, high-end recording expenditures, touring and so on. But the ARTIST will maintain control over their music!

5. In order for web-base music distribution to work, we MUST SUPPORT INDEPENDENT ARTISTS by ACTUALLY BUYING THEIR MUSIC ONLINE.

6. Since there is no technological or legal mechanism which can effectively prevent people from stealing or illegally trading music online, we must promulgate an HONOR SYSTEM to encourage consumers to PAY for the music they listen to.

7. While an Honor System will never be completely effective, there are no other drawbacks. It is easy to promulgate, it costs no money, it requires no lawyers or legislation, and it cannot be dictated by any individual or corporation.

8. An Honor System will be much more salient and effective when the artists themselves are selling music DIRECTLY TO CONSUMERS, since music thieves would then be stealing directly from artists rather than faceless, price-fixing corporations. Also, as the price of music falls, the incentive to steal will fall accordingly.

9. Most importantly, THERE ARE NO VIABLE ALTERNATIVES TO AN HONOR SYSTEM. Laws and attempts at enforcement are futile; technological prophylactics will always be circumvented. WE MUST PROMOTE AND RELY ON HONOR.

10. Music distribution on the Web will never completely replace record companies, and I do not intend for this to happen. BOTH systems can coexist. You will ALWAYS be able to by music through the usual channels; in fact, it might just get a lot cheaper as a result of this movement.


For the first time in music history, artists NOW HAVE THE POWER TO DISTRIBUTE THEIR OWN MATERIAL en masse via the Internet. This seems obvious, but think about the implications of this. The record companies are NO LONGER NECESSARY to distribute music; they are quickly becoming outdated, overpaid, price-fixing MIDDLEMEN.

Think about this: Right now the VAST MAJORITY of money spent on music goes to the RECORD COMPANIES. Think about HOW MUCH BETTER music would be if, instead, artists were to receive this money directly. Think about HOW MANY MORE ARTISTS would be able to provide a decent living for themselves, and how this would encourage yet more artists to produce and distribute their own music.

Also, think about how much better it would be IF YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO PAY SO MUCH for the music you want. If you weren't forced to shell out $15 for a CD which has only one or two songs you really want. If, instead, you could download tracks one at a time from a website, and pay only a small nominal fee.

HOWEVER, in order for this to succeed, CONSUMERS NEED TO SUPPORT this system of distribution. It WILL NOT WORK if people continue to ripoff and copy music free of charge. Right now, it is very easy to do this without getting caught. The only way independent artists will be able to survive on the Internet is if consumers adopt an HONOR SYSTEM, and pledge to reimburse independent artists for their hard work.

PLEASE people, let's CUT OUT THE MIDDLEMEN. Music will be MUCH BETTER if people actually SUPPORT independent artists on the Web. Think about it - wouldn't you LOVE to buy music for a fraction of the price you do now? Wouldn't you much rather have the money you do spend go DIRECTLY to the ARTISTS? Wouldn't you much rather be an artist who has TOTAL CONTROL over the music they make, and who receives 100% of the hard-earned revenue you are generating??


CONSUMERS: If you don't already have the capacity to download music from the Web, GET IT!! If you don't already support one of the thousands of independent musicians distributing their stuff on the Web, START NOW!! Don't RIPOFF their stuff, PAY them for it; in the end, you will get BETTER MUSIC and MORE CHOICES.

ARTISTS: If you are an artist looking to distribute your music, DON'T SIGN AWAY YOUR MUSIC to an expensive MIDDLEMAN; distribute it YOURSELF! It is NOT that hard to do!



Q: I like buying CD's at the store, and many of my favorite artists are already on labels; what will I do?

A: I am not advocating the complete abolition of record companies. There will always be record companies, because many people cannot or will not download music online. Also many artists already have obligations to these companies. Thus, you will ALWAYS be able to buy CD's of your favorite artists at the store. HOWEVER, by providing an alternative, we can force the record companies to lower their prices and compete for the services of artists. Thus, even people who only like to buy their CD's at the store will benefit by paying less. Also, by providing independent artists with budgets via patronization, we will empower them to distribute their own CD's physically, under their own control.

Q: Will an Honor System really work? Isn't that idealistic and naive?

A: Perhaps. But as of now, I have yet to hear a better solution. Also, peer pressure can be a very powerful thing. Most people do not like being called a thief; if we exert enough pressure on such individuals, SOME of them will mend their ways. Presently, users of Napster and its ilk enjoy considerable moral support since they are typically stealing from large, monopolistic megacorps. Such moral support will disappear if they are forced to steal directly from artists. Yes, there will always be a significant element of guiltless thieves; but we can work powerfully to minimize this element by educating people about the devastating effects of their behavior, ESPECIALLY when artists distribute the music themselves at a reasonable price.

Q: What, exactly, would the Honor System consist of, and how would it work?

A: Since an Honor System is flexible and nebulous almost by definition, I can only give you my interpretation: SUPPORT THE ARTISTS BY PAYING THEM. If you are getting a lot of music and paying for none or little of it when payment is called for, you ARE MOST LIKELY STEALING. We must also "enforce" this system by "shaming" people who violate it. If you know somebody who violates it, either on line or in person, LET THEM KNOW IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS THAT THEY ARE STEALING, AND DESTROYING THE EFFORTS OF HARD-WORKING ARTISTS. Remind them that artists have to feed themselves and their families as much as anybody, and that if they continue to steal, they are discouraging artists from making any more music. If they persist, inform them of their stupidity: IT IS STUPID TO KILL THE GOOSE THAT LAYS THE GOLDEN EGGS. Most people do not like being called stupid thieves; some will respond positively.

Q: Aren't there legitimate uses for Napster-type systems?

A: YES. FAIR USE is one. Also, some people use it to choose which artists to buy from. While the ethics of such examples are always debatable, the beauty of the Honor System is that allows those individuals who truly feel that they are behaving honorably to continue behaving honorably. Thus, we must encourage such individuals to search their souls; flimsy rationalizations must be firmly identified and rejected.

Q: Sounds great; but can it really work?

A: YES - It is already starting to happen; but it will thrive and prosper ONLY IF WE SUPPORT IT! BUILD IT, AND THEY WILL COME!


Hours of radical yet accessible music - FREE!