Take a listen

Wow, this song really goes through the changes. impressive performance, interesting writing, and well recorded to boot.
I especially liked the beginning. I thought of J Marcomb right away. He would fit right in on this one.

scottr said:
Got anything bad to say? Thats what I REALLY want to hear... Tear me apart!



You should have made 'Ghosts' an instrumental..

The singer ruined it for me, and the vocal sound totally sucked.. :)

the mp3 conversion also blew! :eek:

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im listening to the first one..."ghosts".???....is that right?.
guitar has nice tone....really like it ...the drums sound like there is some sorta "underwater" ness to them ..??...like an effect or something?...mostly on the hi hat.......bass sounds good.ok its the whole thing.....the "underwater" ..sound..?..i can really hear it on the vocals......nice voice tho....real nice ...man really like the vocals....
when the chorus comes in....a bit pegged out vocal wise......and bring the drums up right there....REALY drive it ..!..

cool song...the intros a bit long...for my taste but i have a short attention span..so:D

nice work
Ok I've made some changes and uploaded a new mix... Took auto tune off the vocs.. it was making them sound too weird, and doubled up the track.. Cut some of the verb... cut some of the highs out of the drums to make a little more room for the highs on the guitar... (somehow ended up with way too much verb on the lead guitar on the intro)... The vocals still aren't sitting right. About the underwater thing... Yeah! You're right! And I can't figure out what the hell it is for the life of me... Seems like all of my drum sounds come out like that. :-( Also turned up the backing vocals a bit. Let me know what you guys think now...About the mp3 conversion, I used XING... How can I improve it?

BTW, if you don't like the long intro, tough shit!

Scott Robinson
Okay, so I sat through the long intro lol :) -- There is a little bit of fret noise that kind of sticks out (I usually don't notice this, but for some reason I did on this tune) ... The vox sounds like it can come up a bit in the mix and the drums sound like they are sitting a little bit too far back and the verb seems pretty heavy ... But when the chorus kicks in, the vox seems almost too hot...I have the same problems myself with getting the vocals to sit just right balance wise...

Not a bad tune, but a little bit long (I guess that is just tough shit for us though ;)

Oh yeah, I listened to Ghosts ...
The worst thing in the song to me is the singer. In one spot the vocal is peaking the preamp, make that two. We're dreamin or something. 3:27 and 4:50. sounds really bad. He's out of tune in a few spots.

Gotta say though, I liked the long ontro. Maybe a little less reverb for the special effect fades.

Good song overall.
Yeah I know exactly what you're talking about at those 2 times... I can't figure out what caused it though. The preamp wasn't clipping.. Should I try it at a lower level? Maybe put the compressor before the preamp? Do you think he was too close to the mic when singing it? I think I want to retrack that.. And also maybe the guitar. There are some bad rhythm spots.
Interesting note... The drums for this track were overdubbed on top of the guitars.. It was tough!

heres everything bad and nothing good just like requested

1. the drums are incredibly flat
2. the hi hat lacks brilliance (12 khz boost)
3. really really really dont like the singer or his off keyness
4. "dddrrrreeeaaammmmm'innnnn" :s
5. as im listening i cant enforce what bad off key does to a song

acoustic guitar sounds good, and pre-vocals the track has an excellent mood created with the mix

The Xing codec is ANCIENT and was bought out by Real years and years ago. Try using something much more up to date, like LAME.

jono_3 said:
heres everything bad and nothing good just like requested

1. the drums are incredibly flat
2. the hi hat lacks brilliance (12 khz boost)
3. really really really dont like the singer or his off keyness
4. "dddrrrreeeaaammmmm'innnnn" :s
5. as im listening i cant enforce what bad off key does to a song

acoustic guitar sounds good, and pre-vocals the track has an excellent mood created with the mix


Hey I didn't say nothing good! Anyway.. you've all convinced me, I gotta retrack those vocs... And I'll probably try retracking the gtr too but I have a feeling I'll end up keeping this one...
