Take a listen to the track "TEKS"...Quality, Artist, Production


New member
Even though I'm most concerned with the quality(Even though the streaming significantly decreases the quality) I'll listen to opinions on the Artist, the Production, tell me if you like it, don't like, hate it, whatever, and if you like it or it not let me know if this is the type of music you do/don't listen to also.

The clip is of a track "Teks" performed by StarkS, while I laced the beat.

wow angry!
ill be honest, i dont listen to this stuff, but dont sound any worse than anything on radio or TV. too many gunshots tho. use them a bit more carefully through the chune so they dont sound like random samples thrown in for the hell of it.

you scare me. i like that. :D

I didn't do the vocals. Although I guess mine could be equally "scary".

I did do the beat and the mixing. The gunshots, in my opinion, is not that there's too many but they're the same sample which gives it this monotonous delivery unfortunatly every other gunshot sample I found sounded more like somebody hitting a metal trashcan with a baseball bat. So attempted to change it up by playing with the volume and fades, evidently it didn't work too well. Well thanks for the reply.
in retrospect, thats probably right - just they're samples that keep over. i might have some gunshot sounds that sound pretty health (copyright free) that i could possibly get you if you need. in terms of other samples, you thought about a city/traffic setting with occasional sirens and stuff? i tried it on a demo rock track as an intro, and it made it REALLY moody.
all in all tho, i like it just cos its angry and moody.
Thanks for the suggestions. Yes it's an "angry" track but he's very versatile and has recorded numerous Dancehall Reggae tracks.

Well thanks for the input.
Apex702 said:
I'm starting to think I'm in the wrong place for this genre of music.

LOL sometimes i think the same thing....

It sounds good from what i can here i think the gunshots are a little off but i'm listening at work on shit speakers.
Im not sure about the Italian (in the begining) Reggae thing. lol. I agree. You have to be carefull with those gunshots. A little gun shot goes a long way..

"Im not sure about the Italian (in the begining) Reggae thing." - stoctony

Whew, couldn't be more off on that one, thats Sean Connery from "The Untouchables"

Anyway, I'll take in the opinions on the gunshots, I'll re-work it and see if I can come up something better.

Apex702 said:
"Im not sure about the Italian (in the begining) Reggae thing." - stoctony

Whew, couldn't be more off on that one, thats Sean Connery from "The Untouchables


Exactly. It was a MOB movie. The point is if it was gangster rap, they have some how figured out how to constrew a connention between them and the Mafia theme. Reggae hasnt done that. Its like your trying to mix reggae and gangster rap. In my opinion, that is degrating the Reggae aspect. Thats the point Im making. I guess I could have explained it a little better in my other post.

Actually the movie was more about the Federal Agents that took down Al Capone. Hence the title "The Untouchables" refering to the agents refusing payoffs. Malone, Sean Connery's charachter was Irish in the movie, simply saying how you "take them out", in essence how to beat them.

I don't think that necessitates the notion that theres a connection between the Mafia and Reggae by putting that sample in that particular track, given the theme of the song.

Furthermore, I don't know how much you know about Reggae but I know StarkS(the one on Teks)personally and Reggae is A LOT more "gangster" than most people think.

Anyway, thanks for the input, just wish more would respond.