Take a listen, fellas...


Our recording friend is now mixing down our NEW set of songs for our EP. The first go round, he didn't realize that he had a bad setting on his DAW, which rendered almost everything from that session useless.

The good thing is that this time around, we really nailed the instrumentals and vocals. Now it's just time to do a little recording critiquing. I already have some opinions of my own on this stuff, but I'm looking for a little perspective. Any thoughts, comments?

I'm Gone
Love Song
Vocals seem to be a bit loud, and sorta pasted on. I'm listening on headphones right now thou so i might be wrong. Bass guitar could use more definition. Kick gets lost in there, but again I;m on headphones.

Other than that it's pretty good. The part where the snare plays lams kinda reminds me of a song I used to play with my band.

I'm gone is a cool tune. I didnt have time to listen to the other one. The vocals are nice and tight! Overall sounds good. I think for the style you might want a more interesting drum part. I am listening on computer speakers but I could use more drums (I dont want to comment on the drum sounds as I can hear them to well but they sound pretty good). It needs a little fuller sound throughout. I would write another guitar part and then pan them L/R.

But this is really a great song and the vocals are superb.


LOL! Polska in order to put that gay porn site in your sig you had to go there yourself... :eek:

So are you a racist/log-cabin republican or what?
jamesduysen said:
LOL! Polska in order to put that gay porn site in your sig you had to go there yourself... :eek:

So are you a racist/log-cabin republican or what?

[Cowboy Oklahoma acent mode: ON]
Well ya know a man has to make sacrifices for the cause,.[Cowboy Oklahoma acent mode: OFF]
Im on headphones so I cant offer too much mixwise. However I would spice up the drums a little, they seem a little boring at times and too simplistic. "Im gone" - I would take the vox effect of at around 2:28, thats just personal taste though. Great lyrics by the way and a great voice!

Listened to Love Song on the headphones as well, once again cant point out too much (no monitors) but what I did notice is the snare at the beginning and end, my personal opinion it seems too muffled, too hidden. A little more definition maybe?

I usually like the vocals up front but, I think this time it may be a bit much also the backing track could use a bit more sparkle and definition...that said...both tunes were well written and performed...just need a bit of tweaking! Good work!!! :D