Syncing adat to PC


New member
Sorry I havent been around much lately, but I recently aqcuired an Adat XT20 for a steal, and was wondering how I could go about syncing it to my PC rig. I run Steinberg Nuendo with an Aardvark Q10. I was wondering if I could use a DB9 cable between my adat and the 9 pin serial port on my PC. If this is doable, I wanted to use the adat and my aardvark together to give me 16 inputs during tracking. what i wanted to do is use a mixer to give me the 8 inputs to the adat, then use the syncing capabilities to record 8 tracks to the comp and 8 to the adat, and play the adat back into the aardvark analog to transfer the audio over since i dont have lightpipe capabilites. is this a viable thing to do? or should i sell the adat and get another aardvark. i was trying to keep things cheap by going the adat route
No, the pc serial port doesn't carry adat signal. The only thing it has in common is that it has 9 pins. I don't know Ardvaark stuff but if the Q10 has an adat optical in port (adat 9 pin would be better but obviously the Q10 doesn't have that)..THAT can carry the signal AND clock from the XT since adat optical contains clock and signal...9 pin connection not needed in that scenario.

With Nuendo only resolving to frame rate and not external sample rate, the easier thing would be to forget sync....

Just record what you want on the Adat machine, dump it into Nuendo and then use Nuendo's slide and nudge to put the tracks wherever you want on the timeline. For a bit more involved line-up, you could have a guide mono/stereo track on the Adat machine (a mirror of some of the already recorded tracks in Nuendo)...overdub 6 tracks at a time on the Adat and then dump the 6 trks into Nuendo..that would make it easier when you are recording within the Adat (because you'll have a guide track and can leave Nuendo turned off) ..and it'll be easier to dump the 6-trks-at-a-time into Nuendo and quickly line them up with other tracks already there.

Whatever, I wouldn't buy Aardvaark considering they're out of business...and if there's a remote chance you move to 64 bit or dual core in the next year, you can throw the Ardvaark away cuz there won't be any drivers. A good low price option is Layla3g.
adat sync

I use Nuendos with a XT 20 and a Fostex D-90, however I had to buy a JL cooper data snc2 box to sync all to my computer. The hole set-up works flawlessly with Nuendo being in slave mode at any time frame. I mostly use 24 fps as my smpte time code and it never misses a beat.