SX: Any way to change metronome sound?


New member

Using SX 1.02... I'm getting complaints from players using a click-track about the ping-pong sounds the metronome makes. Is there a particular file I can replace or setting I can change to use something else? Can I at least change the hideous pitches to something a little less, well, Devo? I know I can use the MIDI output in Metronome settings to trigger another device, then take the analog into my board, but that's a pain in the ass and takes up a input...

Any ideas out there?


-Mark P.
Salem, MA
Not sure about changing the "audio click" sound. However, how about just opening a VST instrument such as the LM7 drum machine and instead of sending the midi click to a piece of outboard gear, map it to the LM7? Then you can designate the high and low click as the drum sounds.

Of course, you may want to consider other options if you PC's system resources are a concern of yours. But if you have a decently fast computer it shouldn't bog things down too much.

I assume you understand what I'm talking about and know how to do it, but just in case... Go to metronome setup under the 'transport' menu, uncheck the "audio click" box, and make sure that the "midi click" box is checked. Set MIDI output to whatever VSTi you have activated in the VSTi rack (F11). Then just scroll through the notes for 'high note' and 'low note' to find sounds that don't give you the devo vibe. Once again, if you already know how to do all that, I'm not trying to talk down to you...just don't know how much knowledge yer seekin'.

Anyway, hope that eases your headaches...


Thanks for the prompt reply Trogdor... This will work well! I'll just have to modify my template so the LM7 is loaded by default and I won't have to screw around with anything else.

Kick ass!!


-Mark P.
Salem, MA