Switching between headphones and monitors


New member
When I record vocals, I plug my headphones into my m-audio fast track (this mutes the speakers output). After the take is done, I like to listen to it via the monitors, so I unplug the headphones. I find myself plugging and unplugging constantly all day long :confused:
I was wondering, is there a way to switch between monitors and headphones with a touch of a button? I'm thinking of upgrading my audio interface anyway and I'd love to have this feature. I know that Apogee's Duet2 has it but I'm not a mac user.
What are you guys doing when recording at home?
I'm not familiar with the operation of the Fast Track...
Explain why you have to plug/unplug the phones? Does that action disconnect/connect the speaker's signal???
I would think you would have separate controls for each.

I just saw this in the Fast Track Manual:
"These outputs are disabled when headphones are connected to the Headphone Output
(6) on the front panel."

That's lame... :(

You should have gotten the Fast Track Pro or Ultra....they have independent controls for each output.

Yes...there are dozens of ways to have more specific control....it depends on what fits your setup and your budget.
If you are going to buy a new interface, look for one that has a mute button for your monitors or, at least, a monitor volume knob. You could also get something like the PreSonus Monitor Station or the Mackie Big Knob, but those might be a little bit overkill if you have a small setup.
I do the same thing, but it's never bothered me. I only need to put the headphones in maybe once every hour, on average. How often do you need to switch, does it really bug you that much ?
How often do you need to switch, does it really bug you that much ?

While I don't have the issue of needing to unplug, I still have to "switch" the signal to the monitors on/off since they can't be on when I'm tracking...I was kinda wondering the same thing, why so much switching that it bothers you?

I only listen to the monitors after I do a bunch of takes. IOW...I'll set things up and then just track for awhile. There isn't a need/desire to switch from the headphones to monitors constantly.

That said...I would still not want my headphones tied to the monitors, so yeah, I different interface would be the way to go.
Either way you`ll have to either press a button or plug/un-plug your headphones. How much longer does one take over the other? .3 of a second?
Thanks guys!
I'll checkout the fast-track pro/ultra.
@rami- it's not only the time needed, it's a two handed operation ... loved your music, btw!
i had the same problem first time i got into recording music
its a pain havent to change all the time but nothing u can do unless u upgrade really because you only have 1 input for headphones or speakers yano
I have a power amp which has 2 buttons to cancel the monitors. And it just always plays through the headphones when ever they're plugged in, so just take the phones off if you want to hear the monitors lol. I don't have powered monitors so it was necessary to get an amp when I got them.
Basically, that's why I got a Mackie mixer - so I can keep everything plugged in all the time. Constantly pulling plugs eventually wears out the jacks and cords. Now I've got all my inputs (mics, keyboard, guitar amp DI, Guitarport and stand-alone recorder) and my outputs (monitors, headphones, standalone recorder) always plugged in, just push the buttons, or turn the dials. As I'm only recording 2 separate tracks (at most) at any one time, it works for me!
It does not appear that the fast track has this function. Although I know that the fast track pro as a "a/b" button for exactly this.
I just got the Fast Track C600. I don't disconnect the phones and it's plug in doesn't shut off my monitors. I do turn the volume down on the phones while listening to monitors and vice versa. Maybe time to upgrade?
Now I'm using the Tascam US-800, I just have to remember to turn up the monitor volume control and turn down the headphone one! "Why does it sound so far away and tinny?" Oh yeah, that's the sound from the cranked headphones sitting on the shelf ...