switched from an ibanez bass to a cort


New member
Just wanted to share my experience.

I originally had a bottom-of-the-line ibanez bass. It was actually playable, i played many gigs with it last year. I didn't like the neck or the pickups becuase my finger kept falling off of it. I found a really nice artisan series cort, so i traded "up". Well i don't know if it was really up, in terms of price though. The playability and tone are great IMO, and the controls are much easier and obvious. The point of the story is not to be fooled by expensive price tags. I am usually a sucker for going for the latest and greatest, and often that is overkill. this bass is perfect for my talent level and current financial means. Lesson 2: check out cort guitars and bases. I was very surprised today when i treid them. THe guitarist in the band also bought a $300 cort guitar and it is comparable to my gibson les paul ( although the LP holds the title IMO).