Swapping tubes for tone and drive...



There's a WORLD of difference in the two pedals mentioned here. The DOD American Metal is about as different as you can get from the Ibanez TS-9 and still be talking about distortion pedals. All you're gonna get with that American Metal pedal is really bad 1980's glam rock tone. There's NO finesse in that thing. You're killing the sound of a pretty decent little amp with that thing. (And you're wise to not use it).

And the Ibanez TS-9? (I'm assuming that this is the cool green pedal. If I'm wrong you can disregard this paragraph!) Did you know that for some reason Ibanez discontinued the original Tube Screamer? 8-10 years ago people were paying $250 for one of those babies! They were so hard to find used, and the only people selling them were Hollywood guitarists who needed to pay rent! I knew a guy who had two of them and wouldn't sell me his backup cuz he couldn't risk not having one in his setup if it broke! Fortunately Ibanez realized that people REALLY wanted this pedal and they stared making them again.

I'm not saying that the TS-9 is the answer to your tone quest, but I just want to make sure you don't judge all pedals by the one you have. The TS-9 is one of (if not) the best. Many pedals out there aren't worth the battery that's in them. And the DOD American Metal? Well it's good for one sound, and a sound that not too many people today want.

Good luck man!