surround sound on SB Live 5.1


New member
I posted this in the cubase forum and got no reply, maybe someone here can help

I currently have a SB Live 5.1 running wi2th cubase SX - yes, I am saving for a decent card! But I'm interested in trying cubase out on surround sound stuff - i.e 4 speaker quad. Reading the documentation, SX has surround routing capability - however, on the Master Outputs panel, I only have one Audio Bus to route the channels to. If I'm using the afore-mentioned card, is it possible to set it up so I can have two Buses to route surround sound to. Or is the SB surround capability only a playback thing?
I remember I've posted about this in Cakewalk forum.

Scroll down the page.

I dunno if cubase can do this, but I can do it in SONAR. Note:
1. You must have Creative's driver to do so (SONAR will detect SB Live! as three way output card)

2. You can only listen to the result in SONAR, I mean, when I saved it to regular wave, it becomes regular stereo wave :( I don't think they released the encoding system yet to save to surround.

Take with salt & grain, play it just for fun...
thanks for that, but it doesn't work in Cubase, as far as I can see you can't add virtual buses or whatever.

Does anyone else know if what i'm asking is possible?

If not I'll just have to not bother!

cheers anyway
The problem will be on the encoding. I heard CoolEdit Pro 2.1 (yes... 2.1 newest upgrade from 2.0 ) gives us a template for doing surround thingee. But still we can't save the result as a suround wave, instead, we have "regular" stereo wave. I believe We still haven't got red book standard for surround system. Each manufacturer developed their own -so called- surround system. I'm not really sure about it, and I could be wrong. That's all I know about it.

I don't know if this will help or not...

Under Devices> VST Master Setup panel, it has options for the setup you want to use.

Then under Devices> VST Outputs, it has the faders for the surround busses. You have to activate each bus before you can route to it. (Click on the button at the top beside where it says Bus 2, Bus 3, etc.)