Supernova Question


New member
Does anyone know about programing controller messages in Cubase? I have version 3.2.

I have a reasonable grasp on sending midi messages to my external synth (SuperNova) through the list editer and i am comfortable with all of the standard instruction for the RPN map.

My problem is this : if i want to change two parameters over a period of time using NRPN how do i go about it.

I can change one by inputing Val 1 at 98 and Val 2 at say 95(comb filter cutoff) and then entering a second command Val 1 at 6 and Val 2 at say 127. Then if i go into the standard noter editor and use the cross hairs a can create a ramp from 127 down to 0, this involves changing the unknown or breathe controller to 6 (Data entry MSN).

How do i now create another effect from the same NRPN table ramped from 0 to 127?

As this seems to require the use of val 6 again the editor just receives lots of messages telling it alter the same parameter?

Please help!!!!
