Suggestions on my mediocre mix


New member
Can someone please help me with my mix. I am really not happy with this mix, but I'm not sure what I need to tweak to fix it. Everytime I've posted a mix nobody responds. Please help, I don't want my mixes to suck forever.

I thought it sounded pretty darn good pardner, it certianly did not suck from what i could tell but i'm still learning myself. The snare vol was not constant through the entire piece is one thing that i noticed, the layering of the guitars was good and they sounded good. What were those chords anyhoo? were you using an alternate tuning? Very cool guitar work! Got any more stuff?, Charva
Thanks, Charva. My biggest concern was the drums. I'm still trying to find a good compression setting for drums. I'm a shitty drummer so my volume isn't consistant. The bass sounds like crap to me, aswell. I'm not particularly good on instrument except maybe vocals, but thank you.

As far as the chords I used:

I play in Eb tuning with a dropped C#. I don't know why, but I've always played that way (7yrs).

More of my work-in-progress can be found at:
apush - hey there. great sound. drums sound good man, maybe a bit more kick, to really get it in the chest. good sound with the bass. you need to freestyle some lyrical content into this brother, and if you can't do it, holla at me, i'll hook ya up. i was hearing singing through the whole thing. very good job. other than little things. great effort. come check me out, i've been at this for 7 years too.

Samich, thanks for the feedback. Thanks for the offer. The song has vocals already worked out, but I don't want to lay them down with the equip I have right now. I have about a dozen songs that are waiting for vox. This is an old song from my former band ( that we never recorded while we were together. Too bad, I always liked it.

I really need a preamp, monitors and a condensor mic(s) if I want my recordings to improve I guess. Here's to wishful thinking {raising my glass}.
apush - I think it sounds pretty good

I guess the drums maybe sound a little thin in comparison to the rest of the instruments. Sound kind of distant - maybe there was a lot of "room" ambience in the recording...or maybe you eq'd some reverb in there?

If you could bring the drums up a tad (not in level exactly...but just in *placement*) maybe that would give you the elusive "punch".

I do think it sounds good overall though...certainly nothing to be ashamed of! Wouldn't worry about the mics so much...I think your tones are nice.

The performance in terms of guitar playing is very nice...but still, at times it isn't "perfect". there are some minor timing issues with a few of the rhythm parts for instance - 2:35-2:50, just a tad slow. And that's ok - and 99% of the big rock bands do the same thing....but, the options are do it over and over and over...or try to fake it with punch ins and what not.

I'd say the performance is maybe 80% as tight as it could be. I think if you pushed that number up to about 95% (10 times the studio hours for 15% :) ) - you might be suprised at what it would do for the sound.

The "pro" mixes, are pro through and through. that goes from every note, to every preamp....performance, or the faking there of still counts for a lot. getting that kick to work perfectly with the bass is just as essential as a "good kick sound" to start with.

Thats a big struggle for me - becuase I end up with stuff I am pretty happy with...but then wonder "ok..I wouldn't be happy releasing this...why not"...and the answer is becuase i hear it perfectly in my head...but there is always some little guitar part not quite there...or whatever the case may be. long road - stick with it and good work!
I hear you on the preformance comment. I totally agree. I recorded this an a little under an hour just to amuse myself. Like I said, it's an old song. I hadn't played it in five years. But I was bored one night and decided to try and lay it down. I spent most of that hour on drums because I couldn't remember how my drummer used to play it. By the time I got an "ok" track it was too late to redo guitars, because my girlfriend wanted to watch Survivor. Those were my scratch guitar tracks. I'm a lazy-ass so I'll probably never get around to fixing those rythm guitars. Besides, I figured a lot of it would by masked by vocals.
I think it is a good start...

However...I have some items...
-you're upset because everytime you've one responds. You give a little, people will give back...kapeesh??
-you also state that you recorded this to amuse yourself, and because you were bored one night, you decided to record it. Personally, with statements like this, prefacing hearing a mix...I get pretty turned off of wanting to hear it.

It would sure be nice to read..."hey, I've worked hard on this, having problems..or want suggestions...etc. etc." But..take your whiny, bored ass attitude to another bbs...Maybe there, they'll oversee that your rhythm gtrs are GROSSLY out of sync, the timing sucks, and won't care, because they are lazy asses, like you admit yourself.

Change the attitude, pitch in more to others, work a little harder before you submit some lazy assed demo, and maybe you'll get the responses you want. Otherwise, you'll probably continue to get crappy responses from others, probably similar to this post.

I initially feel that mixmkr's response is out of line but I'm new to this board and don't know his background of what's been going on, so I'll stick my foot in my mouth for now ;)

My initial response is that your song is pretty darn good. I especially like the force of the guitars and dynamics of how the song progresses (soft, loud, soft kind of thing).

I personally think the song stands well without vocals, as maybe an intro to an album or an instrumental within. It has good stereo imaging too.

Here's my suggestions of changes...

-The acoustic needs to come up at the beginning (this might be true for the quiet part in the middle too). The distorted guitar is too overbearing.

-The snare drum is too "snappy", maybe reduce around the 5k, adjust volume accordingly.

-Maybe it's just my download, but I hear something kind of funky popping and wavering. If you're using a compressor it might be your attack and release times.

These are all so minor so don't take this too seriously.


-The bass is too loudand "plucky". It should be more felt and not so much heard. Maybe boost around the 80hz range and/or reduce maybe around the 1k range (???).

-Yeah the kick needs to come up a bit too.
Mix man, I agree with alot of what you said.....I read alot of your critiques and I think that you are probably one of the most consistent/generous feedback givers in this forum...However, I'm pretty suprised at your outlash...You are ofcourse free to speak your mind however you please but I think that you even know you could have express yourself better/more constructively than that..........He did ask for help!!! and said that he didn't want to suck forever!!!!.....What more do you want....I would say that while this wasn't %100 effort, there was enough effort put into it that at least makes it worthy of a brief but constructive critique....and even I record when I'm bored :) Just cause you do something because your bored doesn't necessarily mean that one omits effort......I think I have seen you critique songs that were much worse than this in a more constructive manner and I don't think that apush's attitude is so bad that it warrents your comments.....Personally I feel his attitude about his "mediocre mix" is actually better than that "do you think this can be a hit" or "check out this hot track" attitude....If apush came out like that then I think you'd have a strong case....I've already said WAY more than I wanted to say about this, and I don't want to make it a bigger deal than it is, cause it's really not a big deal....Just something to think about........and Hey, I'm not always as kind as I'd like to be either...So, feel free to slap me around if I ever act up :D

Having said that, I pretty much agree with everyone's comments and even mix's comments, despite the delivery...I think that the overall "sound" and composition of the song is very good...and that despite the timing and sloppyness that should be fixed, some talent does seem to shine through it all...

Keep it up the good work but work harder.....BTW, I'm a slacker too...but I'm trying to change that....

Also, apush...You should return the critiquing favor to others...There is truth in what mix says

- nave
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I agree Nave...I think it just hit the needle on the camels back:eek: ...or sumpin'

I just felt like venting, I guess...and a "fresh" BSabbath post wasn't available. The whinny comments got me going...

I'll behave for an hour or two...sorry....Maybe I should bitch like Ed:o
Mix......I think your working too hard critiquing everyone's work.....Is overtime getting to you? :D You do more than your fair share man.......One comes into the Mp3 clinic and see's your name in the reply column down the entire stack of the brand new red mp3 threads, So god bless you......It's fun to listen to peoples work though, try not to forget that.....After all, for me that's what it's all about...Whether I'm recording or listening it's all good fun......And when it's no longer fun, that's when I take a break....I start over the next day, and it's fun again :)

I didn't mean to be a smuck and I glad you didn't see it like that ....Keep hacking brotha :)

nave said:
.....One comes into the Mp3 clinic and see's your name in the reply column down the entire stack of the brand new red mp3 threads,... -nave

ya know...I can't figure out why all my posts seem to happen when everyone got up and went into the kitchen to get another....

It's that time slot thing, I think:cool:
This sounds good. The main suggestion I'd make is that after the rythmn guitar transitions from clean to distorted, it seems to mush in a little with the lead. You might want to do something in the mix to break them up (pan them apart a little more, or change the eq on one of them).

better late than never.

Wow! This is nice. I got some real feedback. Thanks guys.

Mix, I had a feeling my "lazy-ass" comment might have started something. I didn'y mean it to. But, the response I was hoping for from the original post was for mixing help: levels, compression, eq, etc. But I figured I needed to explain my half-assed performance a bit.

I try to record something new every week to keep the things I've learned on this bored fresh in my mind. This song was recorded with that in mind. To practice my mixing skills. I have no intention of releasing this song for whatever reason. I just wanted someone with some objectivety to say "maybe you should try to cut 2 db at 7.5K on the snare". You know, shit like that. I just needed to borrow some ears from people with real monitors, because I'm mixing on computer speakers.

Thanks again, everyone.
One last thing...Mix said something about how I should pitch in more. I feel I need to defend myself here a little. When I feel I am properly qualified to answer someone's question I will. But when it comes to critiquing someone's mix, I feel like I am grossly underqualified. That's why I don't pop up much on this bored.

Read my responses to peoples songs if you want to hear someone "grossly underqualified." Just tell em' you like the song, or you hate the song. If you can listen to music, your qualified.

Now get off your ass and check out my tunes......

B Sabbath is right....Anyone that listens to music can critique a mix.........As long as you have some idea as to whats going on...Most of the time, people just need someone with a fresh pair of ears to make a comment or two...Someone that hasn't listened to the same god damn thing over and over rendering their objectivity useless.....Even someone who knows nothing knows something......If you bought a CD and it sounded like one of my recordings you would be like WTF.....:D Youve listened to hundreds of professional recordings on discs and on the radio so you know what a polished mix sounds like and you also know what an unpolished one sounds like....So the question becomes simple: What about it makes it sound unpolished......You need not be an expert to be able to tell...