Suggestions on a bass cab


New member
I need help selecting a bass cab... I will be running a Peavey Firebass 700 amp through it. I play in a punk band and want a good NOFX kinda bass tone (scopped mids, lots of high, lots of low end). I have two questions... #1, what cab would sound best... and #2 what cab would sound best that I could actually afford. I am on a serious budget, I really can't spend more than $500 on a cab. I appreciate the help! -Joe G.
One other thing, the peavey puts out 700 watts @ 2ohms, and like 400 somethin at 4 ohms, so I would prefer that that the cab is either 2 or 4 ohms. thanks

If you can get by a large book store with a good magazine section look to see if they have a Guitar/Bass Player 2002 gear guide issue. They come out in Dec or Jan but usually don't get pulled for a while.

It will have an extensive list of cab, amps etc with suggested retail prices and specifications.

If you are going with a single cabinet I would look at a 1-15" or a 4-10". A used Peavey 1-15" would probably be in your price range. You can add more later as you get more money.

From my expereince nothing beats the 15" for punchy bottom that hits you in the chest. The 4-10" seem to emphasize more low mids wich may help you cut through with your note definition better. With punk, hard rock and metal where there is lots of very distorted and very loud guitars; getting your bass parts to be heard can require more lower mids and highs.

Another question to ask is if your bass will being going through the PA mostly or will your amp and cabinet have to produce everything for your audience ?

Your head should have plenty of EQ features to get the tone you want.
That is a great price if they sound as good as their comments section.

I don't think you can beat that price.

For cjx's $500 budget he could pullin a 1-15" and a 2-10"

If I were buying I would try em,

Anyone else heard these?
Hey man just make one if u are confident enuff! it will work out cheaper aand u will be able to make juts what u want!
Not at those prices.

2-10" cab $199 plus shiping. I spent more than that on JUST the 2 10" speakers then I bought the horn/crossover, wood, carpet and did eight or ten hours of labor.

Plus these guys have a money back guarantee and A LOT of + feedback from e-bay customers.

Don't waste your time cjx

Please let us know if you get something from them and let us know if they are as good as reported.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!! Dunno where u bought ur stuff from to make ur cab then! U can get ur self quality celestion speakers for reasonable prices! The carpet is quite expensive! But u will have a taliored made cab with the exact sound u want if u plan b4 u make it and it will be cheaper than buying one! If u put the time in and make a quality cab then u will get a return back on it maybe an even bigger one! My friend is a bass player! My friedn picked up a shite bass cab from some where with really bad speakers in it for £100! So we replaced all the speakers! got some acoustic foam and waddad it where it was need! Bought a cross over and built a sub woofer with 2 10" woofers in it and then sold the whole thing for £500 and only spent £350 on the upgrades and man this cab was the best cab I have ever heard! It was nice!
Forget every thing I have said I have just cheaked out this place where u may be gettin a new cab from! That is cheap! Hmmmm! Yeah defo buy instead of make if they sound good remember its all about the sound!
The ebay user feedbacks convinced me... I think I'm gonna give this company a try... I'll keep you posted.