Suggestions for recording " Metal "/ Heavy vocals


New member
Im gonna be recording for a post hardcore/ metal band and vocals have never really been my forte so to speak. any suggestions on how to get a good clean tone and recording? Im using an Audio Technica AT2020 large diaphragm condenser mic.
If you're recording in an untreated room or a room that isn't exactly the best acoustically, then stay close to the mic(not too close!) to keep the room noise out. Other than that, every recording is different so I couldn't tell you how to eq/compress/or fit it in the mix.
If you're recording in an untreated room or a room that isn't exactly the best acoustically, then stay close to the mic(not too close!) to keep the room noise out. Other than that, every recording is different so I couldn't tell you how to eq/compress/or fit it in the mix.

Theres nothing special i should do for the vocals themselves though? like style wise?
In heavier mixes, I like to use a tube simulator plugin on the vocals to warm them up while slightly distorting them. Just slightly. Will there be more singing or more of a growling/scream kind of vocal?
As long as the tracks aren't clipping, they should have a clean tone to them. That tube sim trick will do really nicely here, in my opinion. Whenever I do screams, I like to double track them and pan them pretty wide to make them huge.
Basically what wtfuhz already told you is what I was going to say.

Depending on the style, a popular thing to do is if you double the screams, one high and one low, throw a bunch of reverb on the low one to make it sound huge. Delays can be fun at the end of phrases as well.

But yeah, tube/tape sims and some light distortion can make it stand out in a heavy mix. I'd suggest doubling everything just for the sake of it; you can cut out the things that don't need doubling later so the doubled parts will be emphasized.
Just a thought here but do you have access to an SM7b? I'm kinda thinking a dynamic would be a better fit here and the 7 is a good choice from what I've listened to.
Just a thought here but do you have access to an SM7b? I'm kinda thinking a dynamic would be a better fit here and the 7 is a good choice from what I've listened to.

I would suggest this same mic. I´ve just watched a video n tube w/ the making f a metal band. Besides this mic, there´s some tips regarding the acoustic isolation which they say this style of music requires, once you will deall with great sound pressure and few dynamic.

type on yu tube: TRIVIUM - Shattering The Skies Above (Making Of Part 3 of 3)

it´s worth