Suggestions for preamp with Spdif or ADAT out?


New member
I have the M-Audio Lightbridge and wanted to add a pretty nice mic preamp to it, but needs to have either ADAT out or Spdif.... Let me know what you guys suggest!!

I appreciate it!

octopre by focusrite, 8 channels, adat out. Very good quality. Get an LE version for about 600 bucks
For the money, the ART Digital MPA is nice -- two channel with all sorts of digital outs. I replaced the tubes in it, and I run it at 48khz through S/PDIF to my MOTU Traveler, using the Traveler's clock, and it's quiet as a mouse (a dead mouse, even) and great sounding with a ton of gain. The variable input impedance is really cool, too.

I get some clicking/noise at other sample rates, but I'm waiting on a microclock from Black Lion which I hope will remedy things (that, and I frequently wonder how well I really understand the interaction among the various units, the computer and the software when it comes to clocking -- I may be doing something wrong).