Suggestions for Octave Pedal.

Spin Doctor

New member
I need one. One song only. I shall play a lead in our hottest song and use an Octave pedal on it.

Any suggestions about the best one I could get?
Justin Everman makes a custom octave pedal, I forget his website..but its a high end sweeet sounding pedal. I know him personally and he does all this by hand and he likes getting the Military grade parts....just cool stuff. Funny he sells pretty big in Japan for some reason, a side home business engineer.

His pedals are like $300-400 each though.

found a link to some store selling it...
It adds a note one or two octaves above and/or below the note being played. The solo from Purple Haze, the intro to Jet Airliner, and the solo to Fool in the Rain are all examples you already know.