Suggested settings for FMR RNC


New member
I just got a pair of FMR RNC's and i'm wondering what settings ppl use for acoustic guitar and vocals. I'm doing some stereo micing using SD condensers or a single LD condeser when doing strumming parts. As for vocals, I'm a baritone with a lil bit of husk to my voice. Any suggested settings? Thanks
This might sound sardonic...but you seriously need to listen to the compressor alot to understand what it does. It took me months to finally understand a compressor - and what happens to the sound when you turn certain knobs. It depends how compressed you want your voice, what you are attempting to on. What are you trying to achieve?
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Initially, attack fast and release slow at 3:1 or so. After that, play away, experimient, create, and above all don't..............oh never mind, go ahead, try it
In His Name
Big Kenny
I guess what i'm trying to do is really level out the guitar in terms of parts where I'm fingerpicking and strumming and level out the peaks. As for my voice, I have a lot of sibiliance and high treble noise that I'm hoping to get rid of.
For sibilance and high treble, do what Kenny said.

However, if you have a tasteful kind of transient (it seems that you don't like yours) then you want a slow attack and a fast release.

I personally like the little bit of sibilance and stuff to come through. It adds character, personality, and intimacy. IMO.


I also have a RNC, I run it through my Electric guitar and Amp. I have alot of different parts were the volume changes drastically due to me switching my pick-up switch back and forth for different tone changes. I have been experimenting with it, trying to use the compressor to smooth out the volume changes so there more close to the same, any setting suggestions for this?
If you don't have sibilance and high treble noise in your source, you need to get rid of whatever's putting it there, not add more stuff to your chain. If you're talking about recording acoustic finger picking and strumming, I wouldn't compress it at all. Record at 24 bit if you have the capability and set your gain right. Control your volume as much as possible with your playing technique. The less you have between your mic(s) and your recorder the better off you'll be. However, if you have to use the RNC, use the Super Nice mode for quieter acoustic stuff. It's pretty transparent there.

my 2 cents
A good simple place to start is to set all the knobs on the RNC to 12:00 o'clock, then adjust from there, if need be.

It's a nice compromise that should get you in the ballpark, without doing too much damage to the signal. You can mangle as desired from there.