Subaquoeus USB Splash Drive for Music Production


New member
Hey Ya'll

It's been my life goal to get people collaborating on art and music. I've been able to do that through my Subaqueous website, but I wanted to take it a step further with a new product that helps bridge the gap between musicians and other music producers. This lead me to create the USB Splash Drive. It's an 8gb custom usb drive that is loaded with music, remix stems, samples, Ableton live sets, and more. Basiclly it's all the custom tools I have created to make my music.

Here is a link to the kickstarter that has a video and information on what it's all about. Subaqueous: USB Splash Drive and Remix Album by Isaac Cotec — Kickstarter

Glad to bring this new idea of releasing music and collaborating with the community. If you ever want to see what I am doing and all the free resources I have shared for free to this community then go to: Free tools, Articles and Ableton Tips

