Sub Woofer


New member
Yeha i got an alesis mixer and i wana hook up a sub woofer because i want more bass in my music. On the mixer their are only 2 CTRL Rm outs. Help a brotha out.
Suggestions, comments, disrespects?

Oh yeah im looking for a gate to kill the guitar feedback.
My buget is like from 100-200 bucks
im lookin at a behringer but im thinkin itll fail me.
Most subbies allow you to feed a stereo line into the sub, and then to take lines out to the satellites. This means that instead of plugging your speakers into whatever they are already plugged, you plug them into the sub instead, and plug the sub into what you had your speakers plugged into.

The Behri sub should work ok. I have heard complementary things about them, but I haven't heard them myself.
M-Audio was liquidating their SBX subwoofer for $200. If you look around, you might be able to still find one at that price.