Stuttering problem


New member

That was the sound my client made yesterday when, after a great take, we listened back, and lo and be hold, IT was back. I thought I had gotten rid of IT. IT is this annoying, 1/2 second long stuttering that shows up every now and again in the middle of the take. I defrag before every session, i did everything I found on the Tascam website for computer audio optimization, Cubase did not want to help me, what do I do? Here is my setup

684 MB RAM
Tascam US-428
Cubasis VST for Tascam US-428

Everything else is turned off when I'm multi tracking. The other sound card, the modem, the printer, the scanner, everything. No programs are running in the background, and I'm only recording 2 tracks ata time, no FX, no EQ, 16 Bit. This does not make sense? Could it be a hard drive thing? I think my drive is 5400RPM, but that should be able to do what I'm trying to do. I have a 7200 drive on the way anyway, will this fix it?

Thanks in advance! :confused:
Does anyone know how to help me? (my computer problems, that is, we'll leave the hard stuff for the psychiatric forums) this is really cramping my style!

It sounds like there's something in memory that's being checked periodically, and it's interrupting the recording process. Email? Virus scanner? Weather bug? It could be almost anything. Take a close look at everything you have installed, and uninstall as much as you can - absolutely everything non-essential.

If worst comes to worst, you may have to do a clean install (in which case, I'd recommend Win2k or XP, unless your software/hardware doesn't support it.)

I would say the video process is interrupting the CPU what video card do you have? This isn't a device conflict its just that when the screen refreshes the videocard will pass the extra load off on the CPU. . . and being that you have a slower CPU it is more likely to interrupt the audio stream.

I would suggest two quick fixs

1. turn you graphics down as far as you can.

2. zoom as far out as possible while tracking . . .usually you can fit the entire song in the window. . .unless it's like 10 minutes long. . .

Most low end video cards will suffer from this like any ATI, Voodoo, on board video,

I have an ATI Radeon VE DDR and it will cause stuttering only if I'm running it in 32bit mode. . .so I run in 16bit
i turned everything off, edited the startup options, disabled all the drivers for everything. i think maybe it is the vid card (Diamond Monster Fusion AGP) or the IRQ. I'll try messing with those and hit you all back.
