Stupid newb recording/monitor questions

No More Wolves

New member
'ello, all. Up until now, I've been running my guitar through PODxt via USB and using my standard, $25 [lame, I know] computer speakers for sound. I'm finally starting to get serious about wanting to learn the art of computer-based recording, so I have couple questions:

1. People keep telling me to get monitors. Now, I'm not going to ask which ones and for how much, et cetera. My question is probably worse than that, but here goes. On all of the monitors I see, there is an RCA plug; how does this interface with the PC? I'm assuming I'd need to buy a new soundcard/desktop interface, but, once again, not sure.

2. Do you guys have any recommendations for books on home recording [PC-based, preferably]? I see the names of things I'm being told to buy, but I'm not sure why I'm supposed to buy them. The monitors are self explanitory, but as far as the rest of the stuff goes-- well, let's just say I like to know what I'm buying and how it works before I actually buy it.

Any help on this would be most appreciated. Thanks guys!
Monitors usually have different ways to connect them to your soundcard. To be honest, I cant think of many which have RCA plugs.. I have both XLR and a standard Jack connections on mine to hook them up which is the standard really, or so i believe.

With books, i read a good one which helped a lot. Sound and Recording: an introduction by Francis Rumsey is a nice way to start things off and teach you the must know basics for computer recording.

Good luck.

Just use the search feature on this site and you will find enough stuff to read about monitors.

You don't need to mortgage the farm to get a decent pair of monitors but try to hear a few brands and then decide. If you can visit a large vendor, then you can listen--might be worth a drive of 100 or more miles to listen.

Happy Spring
Green Hornet :D