Studiomaster P7 or DDA 'S' Series ??


New member
Assuming they're both in good nick etc. which would win out in terms of quality? The P7 seems to be a bit more versatile, so which would sound better, and by how much?

I am not familiar with either one of these boards.

When in doubt, do a knob count! Switches too.

The most knobs win!;)

Any pictures of these beasts, you could link us too?

Cheers! :)


I wouldn't recommend the P7, as I've got one and as soon as I got the rest of my gear the P7 has gone permanently into its security mode, and nothing works.

BTW PLEASE if anyone knows how to fix this or bypass it at all, I'd be really happy to hear about it.


LOVE my P7

I have a P7 with (1) 8-channel expander. I LOVE this mixer! I did get it into security mode once, but a quick check of the securty code I had written in the manual 10 years ago fixed it right up. Once you have the security code, change it to 1111 - you'll never forget it.

The mixer is quiet, versatile, and the midi automation was always a HUGE help when I was doing analog. Now that I'm recording digitally, I rely on the P7 to give me the warm, friendly sound I like!

I had a major label producer in the studio, and he said that the mic preamps in the P7 are the same as the ones in one of the Trident consoles... the "B" series, I think he said.

In any case, it really sounds good.
I wouldn't underestimate the DDA console, though.

Not sure about the S series specifically, but there is a nice DDA QMR series console (12-buss model) in one of the smaller studios, and it's about 15 years old, so it's got it's fair share of dirty switches and whatnot.

But, it's pretty decent sounding for the pricerange. The EQ is ESPECIALLY nice. I don't think the S series is meant for any MIDI automation, though. (I know the QMR has the capacity, but ours doesn't have it.)

And, to top it all off, it's BRITISH :D
Studiomaster P7 locked in security mode


I wouldn't recommend the P7, as I've got one and as soon as I got the rest of my gear the P7 has gone permanently into its security mode, and nothing works.

BTW PLEASE if anyone knows how to fix this or bypass it at all, I'd be really happy to hear about it.



If your P7 in locked and you have no idea what the code is then follow this and it will unlock it and disable the code.

First press PS then code 2111 then Funct & PS together then 1111

This will unlock it so you can start using that very luish mixing desk again
