studio setup


New member
i got some new studio equpiment and i just wanted to know if this is an ok setup to start off with i got a mxl 770 condensor mic connected to a art tube preamp and the art tube preamp connected to a soundblaster audigy and 2 alesis monitor one monitors,i only need to record vocals at this time so i just need 1 stimultaneas track recording ,and i am currently using cool edit pro 1.5 to record,i was wondering if i need anything else,,i was already told i need a compressor and im workin on buying that and im only 13 years old and i come from a poor family so i cant really afford really expensive stuff so please help me out

Sounds like you've got a FANTASTIC start on recording at home!
Good choices to start with...

You should be able to get a compressor that doesn't cost too much money...
Look at one called the Alesis "Micro Compressor"...
You should be able to find one for 60 to 80 dollars...
A little saving / shouldn't take too long...

Good luck and keep writing!
you could always just use a software plug-in compressor...
im sure you're program came with SOMETHING, and if you just make sure about your levels while recording, you wont have to overuse the compression to find out how bad it really is.
