Studio room - closing off windows....good idea?


New member
Hi. I my studio room has 2 windows leading outside.

The problem is I can hear street traffic a bit.

I was thinking of throwing some insulation in the and slapping a piece of sheet rock over them. I think this would alleviate outside sounds, however, I am afraid if this might make the room sound worse.

I also just purchased an Arc system, but I do not want to take measurements until I decide to close the windows off because it will then throw the measurements off If I do it before here.

Here is my room dimensions and placements:


Room Size - 13.5 x 13.5 (hexagonal shape. I did not subtract the angles, eshk)
Corner Closet - 2.5' x 4.5'
Windows - 6' 2.5'
Ceiling - 9'

Also, The floor is thick carpet, the walls are paneling, the ceiling is plaster...if that matters.

I may also add some bass traps, but i dont want to go overboard building custom sound proofing for this room as I may be moving my studio in a few months. Any input would be helpful. Thanks
If you may be moving your studio in a few months, why bother with the windows? I just don't see the point. Just my humble opinion.
So your think I should just everything untreated until I move and make bad mixes until then, and then fix all my mixes when I finally do move?

I dont really see the point in that either.

I guess I will just seal the windows and if it sounds bad ill take it all down. Trial and error if you will.

Just wanted to hear someones opinion who has dealt with windows in their studio set up.

Ill let everyone know how it turns out either way
So your think I should just everything untreated until I move and make bad mixes until then, and then fix all my mixes when I finally do move?

I dont really see the point in that either.

I guess I will just seal the windows and if it sounds bad ill take it all down. Trial and error if you will.

Just wanted to hear someones opinion who has dealt with windows in their studio set up.

Ill let everyone know how it turns out either way

Yeah, I think it's pretty pointless to seal up windows that you're not going to be dealing with in a few months. If your mixes will improve that much from sealing up some windows, then be my guest. I think your energy would be better served in making a couple of panels and hanging over the windows. That's less permanent in a place where you're only going to be for a few months. Maybe I'm old and time goes by quicker for me, but a few months isn't all that long and I've mixed in worse places and got acceptable results.

To each their own, though. While you're at it, lengthen the room. It's too short. After all, you're going to be in there for a few months.
There are two reasons for sealing off windows: too keep noise out and to keep noise in. One might be more important than the other, and in your case it seems that keeping noise out is more critical.

If you can line with it for three months, then that seems to be a sensible way of doing things.

I have big windows . . . and I am fortunate in that I live in a relatively quiet area, so I have no critical worries about noise in or noise out. And that's good, because having windows means sunshine . . . natural light . . . and a much more pleasant recording environment than a cocoon. So sometimes the windows are open, and I get bird noises or similar . . . sometimes it matters, sometimes it doesn't. It's easier to retrack when you're enjoying fresh air.
The traffic and neighbors dog is an all day spectacle. Also, my main mixing days are usually saturday and sunday when I am off from my day job and when th rest of the world seems to be mowing their lawns ( i live in new jersey, lol)

I sealed the windows with insulation and a piece of sheet rock over top and i cant hear the traffic any longer which is great. However, it did seem to make my room more bassy. I definitely am going to need to treat the room.

I will say though....i am definitely gonna miss the sunshine. But then again...i always seemed to like basement studios for some reason, so i guess I can just pretend im in one of those. lol

Thanks for the input there gecko! ;)