Studio Projects Demo Mics


PMI Audio Group
Ok, I have a couple of mics that need to be gone. The first one is an original unit from our first shipment, so it is in the silver color. It is a C1, but no pad. An early Serial Number, so it could some day be a collector piece. I kept all the real early ones :D

I also have a T3. This was the one used to make the Studio Projects Sessions CD. It was brand new, then used for the session and packed up. All mics carry full warranty.

The question is, do you want an auction, or just first come first serve? I am not putting prices on them yet until it is decided. Since most of you always ask if there are some deals, I decided to not sell them to a dealer. This is reserved only for you guys at Homerecording. It will not be on any other thread.

For those who think this is Spam...move on, I do not want this thread cluttered up with you. They will sell at a good deal, so tell me how you guys want it done. At least two of you will get a good deal because I will not sell both units to one guy.

I am all ears!!

Alan Hyatt

Its too bad you posted this today and not last week...oh well! Hey got preamps you looking to get oh?

I'm interested in the c1

2 questions. you said it doesn't have a pad. what is a pad? you also said the c1 is one of the first ones made. Is it the same quallity as the later c1's except for the pad? I'm very interested. What form of payment will you take? I'd love to buy it. It would be nice to own a real studio mic!!
I think an essay contest would be the best way. We could all write in on how microphones can help the environment, or how firefighters save lives. Seriously though, I think that thats the best idea. Especially since I just spent the last of my money on a 100 dollar speeding ticket. Stupid US 31.
I just finished doing a thorough observation of that very demo CD... here were my findings...
I was monitoring on a pretty crappy system, and overall, I could not hear much of a difference in the preamps at all, although the Neve and the V72 seemed to sound best to me, but it may have been my imagination.
I could, however, hear a pretty good difference in the mics. The qualities and lack thereof are damn near impossible to desribe, but the C1 I liked least of the 3, and I could not decide if I liked the C3 or T3 better. The C1 had a more up front sound and seemed kind of flat, like it had very little air to it. Air not being exactly the word I want, but it'll have to do. Maybe clarity is the word. The T3 and C3 had a certain clarity, or maybe seemed more intimate, than the C1. It sounded as if the vocalist was more up in your ear, which is what I like. I would have preferred everything be run through only 2 different pres with a couple of other mics instead, like a TLM 103, an NTK, and the famed U89 that the C1 is often compared to. I would say the C3 had a more Neumannesqe sound than the C1, but none of them had that same creamy texture that is Neumanns high end mics. I did like all of them to an extent, but the C1 certainly was the lesser of the 3. To me it sounded flat and without the clarity that the other possesed. I'm probably saying the same things 3 times, but I'm just typing as I'm thinking here. If you are interested in any of these mics, skip on up to the C3 when you start comparing with your other possibilities, you'll probably much happier. As for the price difference between the C3 and T3, I would have to hear them on a better system to distinguish if the extra cost is justified, but it is very possible that it is, especially for digital recording.
The tracks with the C1 reminded me alot of the Marshall V67 tracks that I have heard, and many of them I was not entirely happy with. I think the C3 kind of kills the V67 and C1, when you get right down to it. I also listened to that one dudes track on here the other day, with the C1, and it seemed kind of flat and not as intimate as I like. That same guy is taking delivery on a C3 and is supposed to post some tracks here and there, and we'll see how much better they turn out. My money is on his new tracks, though. For sure. The T3 does have a slightly different quality than the C3, but it might just depend on taste. I could not decide between the two on this sytem.
Hope this helped, I'm just rambling while its fresh in my head. Skip the C1, get the C3. Just my opinion. In a few weeks I'll do a new test on a better system.
so starts the feeding frenzy

I don't think I'd win the essay contest. I can't even spell too great.

Thanks for you're opinions on the Sessions CD. For anyone on this thread who may be wondering what the hell he is talking about. We offer a CD called the Studio Sessions. We send it for free...US only please...

The Studio Sessions is a CD we did and it uses all of "just" our mics on some very nice mic preamplifiers, and some lower cost ones as well. Now I have been telling everybody for the past several months, that all the hype has been on the C1, and in fact, the C1 is one very nice mic, but... The C3 and T3 are the magic masters. Oh shit, here I go spaming again!! :D

Anyway, I think Tubedude found out what I was talking about. As good as the C1 is, the C3 and T3 are really wonderful mics and are starting to make their way into some impressive producers hands.

Tubedude, it would have been cool if you could have done the test blind without knowing what was what, but there is just too many tracks to make that happen. Sometimes knowing what preamp is being used makes our ears expect something more as a result of the product being used, and often we hear what we want to hear. I am not saying this was the case with you're test, but it does happen.

If anyone is interested in this CD, email me with your address for it. I suggest you all listen to the tracks first, pick the ones you like, then download the key code off our site. You might be surprised as to which mics and mic-pres you pick before knowing what they really are.

Anyway, I just wanted to make a clarification so everyone knew what that post was about.

Alan Hyatt
PMI Audio Group

I am still all ears on the demo mics.....
Don, I don't think you noticed that you were bidding against yourself on the T3. (Lavoz was bidding on the C3, not the T3.)

Alan, I'd go $400 for the T3 if you take credit cards (direct or through PayPal). If someone wants to seriously outbid me (not by $5 or $10, please), I'll stop at $400.

I need to know fairly soon, though, as I'm scoping a couple of other tube mics in that price range as we speak.

Many thanks,

Mark H.
We do not have a C3 available. It is the early C1, and the T3.

So is back to you. We have a $400.00 bid on the T3...Do I hear ?

Alan Hyatt
Hey Mark,He was biding on the C3 since there is only a C1 and a T3 mentioned I assumed that he ment the T3 since he went to 301.00..If you want it and you will go to $400.00 "how much do you want it"..If you really want it I will back off..I have some nice mics already and Im not greedy...

I don't want the c1 for a collectors item.

I don't want the c1 for a collectors item. So I might be outbid. I'll bid $150 for it. I don't need a mike I won't use. So who gets I hope you enjoy it. Use it!

I believe it is #10064. That means it was the 64th mic we got. We have sold close to ten thousand of the C1's in the last 7 months, so, this is really an early one.

Alan Hyatt
Hi Don,

I'm sure you were right about the C3 being a typo. After reading through the thread, I had forgotten Alan was offering just the C1 and T3.

You're being awfully nice about this, Don. Right now, I'm evaluating an AT 4060, an EV RE20, the two little Behringers, and I have a Crown PZM 6D on the way. So it's not like I NEED the T3 for a project.

It's just that the price I'm offering puts it in the category of being able to buy-and-try and to re-sell at some future time without taking a beating on it if I need to, which is important to me because I live in the boondocks and can't visit a music store or friendly studio to audition good microphones without driving for 5 hours each way.

If you'd like to offer Alan $450 for it, however, I'd encourage you to do so, and I'll drop out of the bidding. Fair is fair.

Best wishes,

Mark H.