Studio projects B1


New member
Wooooooaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh Nelly!!!!!!!!!
$80 bones for this thing. has anyone heard these. I somewhat remember everyone waiting for them to come out. They're here, they're cheap, ahhhh but are they good. tell me tell me.

Oh, no....

Here we go again... :rolleyes:


Check around the mic forum a little. This mic was causing quite a heated debate recently even though very few people have ever heard it. The debate had nothing to do with the mic, unfortunately.

So the jury is still out. Anyone who is getting one of the first ones is either waiting for it to be delivered or hasn't had it long enoug to use it.

We'll see.

Yeah, yeah, yeah... so enough about the personal vendettas....

I'd be very interested in this mic if its quality is almost on par with anything higher-end.

I'm currently using a SM58 for my vocals and quite frankly I hate the sound of it.... so for the same (if not less) if I could get a decent vocal mic,... I'd be all over it.

ahhh jeez, now i don't want to start any conflict here, I assumed they were fairly new, and yes it was 8th street that I saw that price(I love that place). anyway, no heated discussions here boys and girls. I think everyone else should just buy them and then post clips for me, umm i mean US.

Yeah, vactastic, not your fault at all- I just wanted to warm you in case some of the heat bleeds over to this thread. I'm really curious about the B series (I have my eye on the TB-1) but I'm going to wait until I hear from others, though. I'm still figuring out the ins and outs of my C1 and I've had it for several months. Gotta learn one mic at a time...

At least that's what I keep telling myself...

Take care,
ONE MIC AT A TIME!!!!!!!!!!!

no,no,no the way to go is buy a bunch when you get the impulse, max the credit card, and then just let'em sit there for months.

well on second thought your way may be smarter.

Hey, don't tell Alan (owner) except I may get one for the hell of it,
within the next month when there's more time away from my
business to get a new toy. The C1 has a cool vintage tone to it,
my expectation is that the B1 will sound more neutral relatively
speaking. Will give my report if and when it happens FWIW.

P.S. The SM58 is a fine "practice" microphone IMHO to do your
scratch vocals with even after you get any LD condenser
IMHO, they're just more sensitive to mic pre limitations.

Peace (on this thread at least!),
chessparov said:
The C1 has a cool vintage tone to it,
my expectation is that the B1 will sound more neutral relatively

Yeah, Alan basicly said something to that extent in another thread....too bad it got lost in the chaos somewhere.

BTW, Alan does cut a special deal for ALL of us here to show his appreciation-
he only charges an extra 10%! (just kidding)
I called 8th st and they are shipping my mic today!I should have it by Thursday and I am stoked.Now if I only had some talent!:D

Hopefully a lady I know will come over and we'll get something down I can post.Once I do get something tracked then I'll have to figure out how to post it.Being an idiot is always challenging!

Man,I'm so excited I could squat!!:D:D
Yes! I'd love it if the B1 were as versatile as the well, almost half the price. I suspect the reviews will begin to come in shortly.
yeah let's keep it at the top!!!!! I get really stoked when I see mics for that price, but at the same time i'm a little weary. thanks ya'll for keepin' this thing rocking.
