Studio Projects B1 and B3


New member

I've got a Studio Projects B1 and find I keep reaching for it time and again.
I like it for Drums and Guitar Cabs, and since I find myself recording more and more bands live, was considering picking up a second. I was thinking of getting a B3 to complement it. I would like to occasionally use it for stereo recording though and was just seeking opinions on whether they would be close enough (providing the B3 was set to cardiod) to use for stereo...

Cheers -

I've read several reports suggesting that the two mics do not sound exactly the same. It could be that the electronics are different, or it could be that the presence of the rear diaphragm changes the acoustics of the capsule. However, it's still quite possible that they may be close enough to give you a good stereo result.

I've got a pair of B3s that I use quite frequently.

BTW, PMI Audio has some B-Stock B1s on their website at the moment for $70 each. So you could pick up another B1 without spending a lot of money. No B3s at the moment, though.
Cheers for that,

Unfortunately I'm international, so can't take advantage of the B-stock clearance...
I'll probably keep an eye out for a second B1 and pick up a B3 at some point down the road.