Studio monitors??

We all know speaker selection is VERY VERY subjective. Best advice is to give them a listen, compare them to others, and take them home and give them a workout. You cannot, I repeat CANNOT tell how well a speaker with work for you until you put it in the evironment you're working in. Music stores will have them placed completely wrong, and you will be in a room that's nowhere near the size and shape of yours, and you'll probably have a lot of extra noise from the store activity.

Generally, the Mackies are well respected, as are many other brands, so don't limit yourself.

Listen to as many different monitors as you can, and pick the ones that work best for you and fit your budget.

As an aside: Put KRKs on your list of monitors to listen to. ;)
Looney said it the best.

Reason I got them after testing lots (all active monitors in that price range and lower will do the job IMHO):

1. I was pleased the way they sounded in my control room 11'X15'...treated
2. clients are approved
3. no regrets

Try and strike up a friendship with a music store and take some spkrs. home to try out with the understanding that you will BUY SOMETHING from the salesman.
that seemed to work for me!

Good luck

Just want to make a little editorial comment here, since Patty brought it up (but not in any way directed towards Patty). 'THX Approved'. While this may impress clients to see that logo, don't let that influence your decision on speaker or other equipment purchases. At one time 'THX' probably meant something towards the quality and/or standards used to make a particular peice of equipment, but nowdays, it's just a marketing thing. Companies pay good money to have 'THX' approve their product, and it says nothing for the quality of it. Plus, because your piece of gear has the 'THX' logo, it will now cost you more to purchase it because it's costing the equipment maker more to put that stamp on it.

If I had to venture a guess, I'd have to say that at least 80% of the equipment out there is already designed to meet or exceed the specs that 'THX' has laid out, and all your paying for is a logo. Let the buyer beware.

End editorial.
I've had my pair of 824's since January '02 and am still getting used to them. I feel they are excellent in that price-range. I payed $579 /each.

I have to admit, I purchased these 100% blindly, never having listened to them. I only did that because I knew people who were purchasing them and recommending them (folks who know their gear). I have no regrets whatsoever. My pair sit horizontal, on Auralex Mo-Pads.

Shop around and find what sounds good to you within your budget. Go for that. I wish you the best in your ventures.

wow, where'd you get them for that price?

11x15 - thats a big control room...don't i wish! heh.

One I am building right now is gonna be like....7x6, hope that isn't too small?
" My pair sit horizontal, on Auralex Mo-Pads. "

A review I read said that the manual said that the Mackies were made to sit upright or vertical. You might want to check on that.

I'll be getting a pair of Mackies for that price from Musician's friend soon.

"One I am building right now is gonna be like....7x6, hope that isn't too small?"

Wes:on another board I was chastised once for my room's dimensions. I guess square rooms (especially if the ceiling is half as high as the room is long) are bad news for bass.

So if you're building your own room, you might want to talk to someone who knows more about that. Maybe John Sayers or Ethan Whiner.
A friend got his 824's for $480 each. I wish I would have know that before getting my pair.

Due to the 824's dispersion patterns, I was told from someone at Mackie that it was okay to position them horizontally. Can anyone give more details on this?


whoa ... $480 each is a great price. The cheapest I found them was for $579 each at (+ if you sign up for their platinum member card, you get a 5% discount on your first purchase).

Where did your friend buy them for $480?

patty, they don't seem to offer th HR824 on the BMP website ... ?!
Re: ...

mcr said:
whoa ... $480 each is a great price. The cheapest I found them was for $579 each at (+ if you sign up for their platinum member card, you get a 5% discount on your first purchase).

Where did your friend buy them for $480?

patty, they don't seem to offer th HR824 on the BMP website ... ?!


You have to call.......