Studio Monitors


New member
Im going to purchase either the KRK V4II V Series or the KRK V6II V Series. There is a $60 - $70 difference between the two. Is it worth paying the extra for slightly bigger monitor? I mainly record acoustic stuff, which doesn't need a lot of low end.
Never heard, never used KRK, but, in general, I wouldn't go below a 6" woofer w/o a sub, regardless of my musical tastes. Those few extra bucks won't mean a thing a year or two down the line. But search a bit in the archives here--I recall seeing a lot of reviews of the KRKs.
You'd be shocked to find out how much low end there is...

And "you cannot have too much water cooling a nuclear reactor".

Im thinking he means there is lots and lots of low end on an acoustic guitar...but only if you are playing it improperly...the 5th and 6th strings should be removed to keep mixes from getting too