Studio Equalizing Techniques?


New member

I just recorded a song and wanted to adjust the equalization to sound like the original song (Vocals). Are there sites on the internet that offers preset equalization of popular songs, also if there are what keyword search should I use to search for such??? I am a total newbie in this field.......I've spent over an hour trying to get the equalization to sound like the originals late night and I still didn't get it right....hmmm...maybe equalization is not the only thing studio use to put effects on the vocals.....Hmmmm...another big question is when u listen carefully to any song the music and the vocals both blends as fit they are made together (I"m guess they both have really similiar settings/effect/etc/)....not sure if i'm wording it right but I hope u get the idea of what i'm trying to say...ex. when I record and edit the music the editing effects sounds like it doesn't blend with the vocals editing (I usually download karaoke instrumental)....are there ways in ADOBE AUDITION to tell it to figure out what settings/effect/equalization/ the music is set at?? Are there tutorials on the internet you guys know of that teaches u a crash course on equalization?? Cuz all i'm doing is pushing the switches up and down one by one heheh.....I'm just curious cuz from what I see on MTV and stuff...people are pushing like 5 switch up at once yea....any 2cent feedback is appreciated :D
Well, there's not any sites that have preset stuff for EQ that I know of. Too many variables. The mic, vocal, pre, room acoustics, gotta use your ears to tell you what's good for your stuff.

An EQ ink that might help would be...

No presets, but maybe a better understanding of frequencies and stuff...

Hope it helps, man....... :cool:
Clearing my throat...

I have posted some shit before... but not this bad.

Not to be rude Newbie but how the hell can anyone answer this post?

Internet sites with the eq settings of popular songs would be unlikely in my opinion. That would mean engineers would publicise the processing they did on the Vox??

The rest of the post...

Studios do more than EQ.

The reason the music blends and fits together in popular songs is because popular songs are great songs. They have good compositions and production values. Good performances and great tracking in great environments. They have a team of ears working on them with a half a million in gear at their disposal.

I know nothing about Adobe Audition, But telling it to recognise the previous processing done on a commercially released song is rediculous. If you cant get it to work with the mouse and keyboard maybe try yelling at it?

EQ tutorial:

If your getting curious... try to stear clear of MTV. You should turn down the "switches" they are turning up. I would.

No one can answer these kinds of questions for you. I tried believe me. Heres what HomeRecBBs taught me:

You read. You practice. You tweak. You settle on "whatever the fuck sounds good."

There are no easy answers or quick fixes.

Didnt mean to sound rude... just a little hungover this wednesday morning.
Dogbreath said:
Well, there's not any sites that have preset stuff for EQ that I know of. Too many variables. The mic, vocal, pre, room acoustics, gotta use your ears to tell you what's good for your stuff.

An EQ ink that might help would be...

No presets, but maybe a better understanding of frequencies and stuff...

Hope it helps, man....... :cool:

Thx I'm checking it out = )
djdarwin said:
I have posted some shit before... but not this bad.

Not to be rude Newbie but how the hell can anyone answer this post?

Internet sites with the eq settings of popular songs would be unlikely in my opinion. That would mean engineers would publicise the processing they did on the Vox??

The rest of the post...

Studios do more than EQ.

The reason the music blends and fits together in popular songs is because popular songs are great songs. They have good compositions and production values. Good performances and great tracking in great environments. They have a team of ears working on them with a half a million in gear at their disposal.

I know nothing about Adobe Audition, But telling it to recognise the previous processing done on a commercially released song is rediculous. If you cant get it to work with the mouse and keyboard maybe try yelling at it?

EQ tutorial:

If your getting curious... try to stear clear of MTV. You should turn down the "switches" they are turning up. I would.

No one can answer these kinds of questions for you. I tried believe me. Heres what HomeRecBBs taught me:

You read. You practice. You tweak. You settle on "whatever the fuck sounds good."

There are no easy answers or quick fixes.

Didnt mean to sound rude... just a little hungover this wednesday morning.

Hey NICEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I know where start hehe.....