Studio Design


New member
Hello all!

I'm in the process of moving to a new house in Nashville, TN and I'll have a fairly big basement to turn into my studio. Right now I have a tiny room with no acoustic treatment, no vocal booth, etc... and I'm a bit overwhelmed by the idea of having to design a new studio from scratch and doing it right. Do any of you know of anyone or any website that helps me with all that? I would love to have someone helping me rather than having to figure things out by myself and still not knowing if I did it right but I guess that kind of services aren't cheap...

Any thoughts!

Thanks in advance!!
I agree. Johns site is awesome. Tons of practical information on studio design and construction among other things. But I'll add this for understanding the
principles of REAL Transmission Loss construction breakdown and acoustical treatment.
There is a forum as well. This page is the underpinnings to design your own.