Studio build 1st timer


New member
Just bought a new house. In the unfinished portion of the basement I plan on building myself a mancave/studio. The room is 12x16x8. I'm planning on just a one room setup. From what I've been reading I should do a room within a room sort or design for isolation purposes. Other than that I'm kinda just hanging out there. I'm wondering if a floating floor will be worth the added cost. But that's just for starters. Any advice for a first time build is much appreciated. Thanks guys
Just bought a new house. In the unfinished portion of the basement I plan on building myself a mancave/studio. The room is 12x16x8. I'm planning on just a one room setup. From what I've been reading I should do a room within a room sort or design for isolation purposes. Other than that I'm kinda just hanging out there. I'm wondering if a floating floor will be worth the added cost. But that's just for starters. Any advice for a first time build is much appreciated. Thanks guys

I think if you do a room within a room AND a floating floor, your ceilings will be pretty low - which isn't very good-sounding for any recording/mixing/mastering tasks. Think of the things that are most important to you and rate them all from most important to least. What's more important for your studio goal? ei: A completely isolated and soundproofed room so you can make as much noise as you want? Or is it an awesome sounding room with great acoustics for recording/mixing? Or is it just a studio with tons of cool gear that looks really cool? Everyone has different goals, so assess yours first and work towards the most important one.
Thanks for the reply master. I think what my problem is is that I would like a happy medium between a room I can make a bunch of noise in and one that sounds good. It's going to be under the bedrooms and I would like to be able to go down there when the kids are sleeping and at least play my acoustic guitar without waking anybody. But at the same time I want my buddy to be able to bring his drumset over so we can lay tracks during the day. I plan on treating the room with some DIY bass traps and panels when the room itself is done. I'm just wondering how deep to dive into to the room in a room.
I'm just wondering how deep to dive into to the room in a room.

That depends on how deep your pockets are. Seriously, there are many ways to build a room within a room. But the final arbiter of your success will be Transmission Loss. I would suggest learning as much as you can about this subject, as a fool and his money are easily separated when it comes to TL construction. There is nothing intuitive regarding TL. One small mistake in judgement, or miscalculation in construction details or misunderstanding a principal can negate all your work and waste your time and bank account. In this regard, prior to doing ANYTHING.... I highly recommend buying this book:

It is written by Rod Gervais..who is a member here. He is a Pro Studio designer and a Structural Engineer with many studios to his credit.

However, there is one main question regarding a Room within a Room. What makes you think you need one?
chronicle, my main goal behind the " room within a room" is isolation. I understand that the room will need to be acoustically treated after the build. And I was actually looking at that book by rod gervias a few days ago online. Might just have to pick that one uP. thanks for the respOnses guys any more pointers would be great. I've done a lot of googling and there seems like a whole lot of info to wrap my head around.
chronicle, my main goal behind the " room within a room" is isolation.
Well that's a given..why else would you build one?:facepalm::p

Problem is...define "isolation". The term isolation is vaguely ambiguous. For instance.. there's a big difference between "isolating" a symphony from an adjacent bedroom...or isolating a Shuttle take off from a control room a mile away, or isolating an acoustic guitar from neighbor 40 feet away. See? The common misconception here is called "soundproofing". There is no such thing. One scenario does not cover all. Try to "soundproof" a shuttle takeoff from a control room 10 feet away. Ain't gonna happen. Just like trying to "soundproof" a 110db bass amp from an adjacent bedroom...ain't gonna happen...that is...unless you have deep enough pockets and enough space to build a 40 ton concrete bunker floating on massive springs at 10hz. :D So...get my drift? Hope so..cause that's exactly what you are dealing with when it comes to so called "isolation".

I've done a lot of googling and there seems like a whole lot of info to wrap my head around.
Well, when it comes to building a "room within a room"..that's a massive understatement.:D


This is what separates the wheat from the chaffe. The REAL criteria is what most people here do not understand. It's called Transmission Loss Rating at a given frequency. And the only way you will find out what your existing envelope provides is by MEASURING IT. Period. Think about it this way.

How else would you know how well the existing boundary's perform at providing isolation? And much isolation do you need?

It might simplify matters if you describe what the intent here is. is the source of the sound? Rock drums? A flute? Mixing at 100db? This is exactly what I am talking about. Why build a 70db TL at 20hz(which is damn near impossible) if the only sound you are tying to isolate is an acoustic guitar?

This is why I said...massive understatement.

Ok, here is what I suggest for the time being. For anyone to help you sort this out..they need as much information as you can possibly give them.
Basement size(W/L/H) and construction and how far below grade. Any diagrams/pics would help no matter how basic. Show everything location..ducts..everything.
Adjacency to other rooms above
Existing HVAC and or anything in basement like pipes, drains, laundry room stuff etc.
Skills and tools
What the point of your recording space ..what kind of music, instrumentation.. how loud etc
Who and what are you trying to isolate in law sleeping above studio? Neighbors 5 ft away. etc etc.
The more info the better.

Also, get Rods book.

Just bought a new house. In the unfinished portion of the basement I plan on building myself a mancave/studio. The room is 12x16x8. I'm planning on just a one room setup. From what I've been reading I should do a room within a room sort or design for isolation purposes. Other than that I'm kinda just hanging out there. I'm wondering if a floating floor will be worth the added cost. But that's just for starters. Any advice for a first time build is much appreciated. Thanks guys
TheBones,I have built a studio starting with an unfinished portion of a basement without doing the room in a room approach with great results.It is too much info to explain on this page.However,I did videotape the entire process step by step.What I will try and do is post the video on youtube and then supply you with the link.If you have any further questions after viewing the video I would be willing to answer them.Also,for the floor I used the 'DRIcore' subfloor which acts as a partial/pseudo floating floor.

Here are some photos of the finished product.
Just bought a new house. In the unfinished portion of the basement I plan on building myself a mancave/studio. The room is 12x16x8. I'm planning on just a one room setup. From what I've been reading I should do a room within a room sort or design for isolation purposes. Other than that I'm kinda just hanging out there. I'm wondering if a floating floor will be worth the added cost. But that's just for starters. Any advice for a first time build is much appreciated. Thanks guys
As promised here is my home studio build on video.Part 1 covers the control room and Part 2 the live room.If you have any further questions after watching just ask away.

Part 1 Sanctuary Studio Control Room Build - YouTube

Part 2 Sanctuary Studio Live Room Build - YouTube