Studer A80 problem.


New member
Turned on my A80 - I've got power to the tape guide light and the light for the varispeed, but none to the transport or any of the individual channels... A blown fuse? Armageddon? Any ideas?

Tried a different power cable. Tried prayer and human sacrifice. No joy.
A rudimentary check would be the fuses first and then testing the power supply at all the test points to see where the power travels to and at specified voltages.

Once the power supply is ruled out, the next thing to check is voltage regulator output transistors on the logic control board for the transport. Sometimes they give up the ghost after 15 to 20 years from power cycling on and off in-between sessions.

if any of this is beyond your scope or skills to trouble shoot using the service manual, seek out qualified technical support by contacting Studer and speaking with their customer support department and they can help you find a qualified technician in your area.

Good luck! :)