Stuck with single track


New member
I feel rather silly, but I am trying to record my drum kit as 8 seperate tracks, but I am stuck with just one track containing all the mics. I have a MOTU 8pre firewired into a expresscard to my laptop. I tried to open them seperatly in cakewalk music creator 3, but i can only import a MOTU mix left, right, or sterio. Is my problem something to do with my expresscard? Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
What is the ExpressCard? A recording card or just a standard one that comes with computers?

The sound card (interface) will need to have 8 analog inputs in order for you to record all 8 mics as separate tracks.
I'm not sure if Music Creator supports more than two-channel input, that would seem to be the logical problem. If your software sees the Motu L and R, it should also see 1 thru 8, unless it's not supported.
Try reaper, if for nothing else, then to see if you can get all 8 inputs working.

If you do try it, go into Options -> Preferences -> Devices. Look in the Device range dropdown boxes, and select input 1 for first dropbox, and 8 for last one.

Click OK. Then press CTRL+T 8 times to add 8 tracks. Set each track's input to one of the inputs on your interface. Arm them for recording and see if it works.