stuck with a dynamic? need help :)

hey guys
i will be recording into an audiophile 24/96 and i'm looking for a good mic for vocals. i need all the help i can get!:) but here is the catch, i'm recording in a little bedroom in a trailer, so i don't want to pick up on background noise. so here is the question, should i go with a dynamic or condenser? i figure a dynamic since i don't want b/g noise, right? or do you think a condenser would work? also which mic would you reccomend? also any units/preamps that might help me get more out of my voice....? thanks you guys rock! later!
electronic, answering these questions would help;

1) What kind of material are you recording?
2) What kind of voice do you have? (big/small/bright/dark)
3) How much of a $ budget limit for microphone(s) and mic pre?


hey chris, here's the answers to your questions..........
1) What kind of material are you recording? i'm recording electronic pop/minimalist stuff with vocals. just analog synthesizers and vocals... kind of in the tradition of kraftwerk and joy electric and such bands.

2) What kind of voice do you have? (big/small/bright/dark) i have a deeper voice but a decent range. its not too bright, kind of in the middle.

3) How much of a $ budget limit for microphone(s) and mic pre? well i got about a $400-$500 budget. not a whole lot i know.....but i should be able to afford something right? :) hope so!:D
Hey, was this not prophesied? "And in those final days, Kraftwerk shall be recorded in a trailer..."

But seriously, it is possible to work with your space and create some degree of isolation to where you could use a condensor. There's a guy who hangs out here who built a commercial facility, and a damn fine one, in a trailer. Don't let that restrict your mic choices. Buy the best mic you can afford for your purposes.
electronic, FWIW here's what I would get;

1) Studio Projects VTB-1 mic pre (under $200)
2) Shure SM-57 dynamic ($80 or less)
OR Shure 545 or Shure Unidyne III ($50 or less used)
3) If you're willing to put up some sound deadening materials
(like moving blankets) on a as needed basis...
Studio Projects B3 multi-pattern condenser (under $160)
OR Studio Projects C1 (around $200)


P.S. Another possibility would be to get a classic large diaphram
dynamic like a Shure SM7, however, a SM57 sounds so good
on the VTB-1 that the greater detail of a condenser can come
in handy, especially on ballads on your voice type.
As my voice is brighter than yours, the reverse tends to work
better for me-condensers for uptempo/dynamics for ballads.

wow right on chris! thanks so much for the advic! i am logging it all down.......i really do appreciate it guys.....
also, could you tell me more about the sound deadening stuff, like moving blankets? i'm ignorant to that stuff! hehe thanks again
justin g.