Strat Question


New member
I bought a new American Standard Strat a couple of years ago, i guess it is a '98. It is Lake Placid Blue
but, unlike any other Fender i've ever seen, the Headstock is the same color as the body! When i saw that (& played it) I just had to have it.
Has anybody ever seen a Fender like that?
Yes indeedy
I worked at a music store selling guitars and such about 15 years ago and I recall that very Lake Placid Blue guitar you speak of.In thoses days it was a brand new custom shop job and there were,I believe,4 or 5 custom colors available in that style.This would have been '85 or so.


Whoa dude! Hang on to that one. Seen a white strat like that one about 5 to 6 years ago. I give anything to walk into my bedroom & see one of those sitting in the corner.
Actually not that rare - but very pretty.

Fender first started doing the headstock in the same color as the body as a custom option in the Fifties (very rare!) and Sixties (still rare!) - but was more common on the (then) higher end Jaguars.

Looks great, huh?

Yes, a couple of years ago Fender re-did the "matching headstock" thing for a whole year. It didn't catch very well this time, so they quit it. The thing to look for to tell whether it is very good or not is this. Take off the pickguard and if there are three routes for the 3 pickups it's good. I found that Fender has started digging one big hole out of the body these days and slapping the pickguard over it. The american strats are getting cheaper and cheaper made. :( Boo!

Dont let the swimming pool route fool you. They sound just as good, some even better than SSS or HSS route. The little bit of wood being gone doesnt effect anything. This topic has been beaten to death over at the fenderforum. And I've also talked to Bill Lawrence about it, he feels the same way.

didn't know there would be so many replies!!!
it is a sweet guitar, with a very sharp attack to it.
my other electric is an Ibanez CN100 from the late 70's or early 80's and it Feels good- fast neck, nice weight- but the tone is very warm and mellow.
The strat's punch is un-equalled. As far as the routs for the pick-ups, I wouldn't know what's underneath, and, probably wouldn't care as long as it sounded the same!
thanx all!!!
Guitar Center has some special run US "Designer Series" Stratocasters and Telecasters with black headstocks and silver sparkle bodies this month.

$1199.99 - go get 'em!

Didn't want that colored headstock that bad?

Neither do I.
i never could figure out why fender was going to all the trouble to make guitars for $199- $1299!!!
virtually the same guitars
i got mine for $675, not bad for an american standard
but these guys that pay big bucks for signature models and such- i just don't get it
gervis said:
i never could figure out why fender was going to all the trouble to make guitars for $199- $1299!!!
virtually the same guitars
i got mine for $675, not bad for an american standard
but these guys that pay big bucks for signature models and such- i just don't get it

These were $1714.99 before the sale.

Great, huh? Must have diamonds in that sparkly paint.

I picked up one of the last American Standard Telecasters last month, new, for $489.99 w/case. Just fine, no beefs, good price.

But you have to realize _why_ I bought it. I started playing again and discovered that the very nice 1964 Stratocaster I paid $100 for in 1971 had become too valuable to play! For at least twenty years it sat in the closet, as I never cared that much for Strats and played my other guitars. For the past six years, it's been in its case leaning against the window sill where the cat sat on it to look out the window. Took it in to have it appraised after mentioning it to a guitar store manager and having his eyes get all big. Beat-to-hell Fenders newer than mine were tagged at $7K - $8K.

Sit down: Appraised seller's price for mine? "$10K, maybe a thousand or two more..."

Now _that's_ insane!

Had my "Antiques Roadshow" moment, I guess.
Yea those L-series, pre-cbs strats turn 'em all to mush. Dudes on the other side of the counter just kind of melt down to the floor like the wicked witch of the west. Leo iz the true wizard of oz . . .

I'm doing the same w/ a 2000 start. Last in a series(I think 1996 to 2000), some features discontinued, non-veneered body (3 tone sunburst), rose wood frt bd, etc. Got it for $650 on close-out w/ a case & a letter of discontinuenece.

And it to sits in the closet, in the case. It was just a good deal. It's my Holy Grail. Who knows?
(wish I had a stratplus to do the same with but she's played regularly.)

"Can you hear that sustain? No, don't touch it!"---Spinal Tap