Strange Happenings


New member
I was working a 30-second commercial this morning when my system locked up. So, I re-booted it and when it came back up it gave me a warning there wasn't an o/s. Tried to reboot using emergency disk...nothing! Its showing a bad disk. Now I'm reformatting the drive...hoping this will work. Man, I hope its not the drive!

Losing a drive temporarily could mean several things. First it could of course mean that the drive is going bad. Go to the manufacturer's website and download any test programs available. It could also point to a problem with the controller, how long have you had it?

Second, and this one is very common, it could be a mismatch between your hard drive and the controller. What hard drive are you using, and what controller is it on? I've seen a Promise controller not get along with a Maxtor hard drive, and I've seen a Highpoint controller not get along with an IBM hard drive. In both cases the systems seemed to function normally for up to 6 months, and then one day wham, windows is dead (both Windows 98 SE and Windows 2000). In both cases doing a scan disk reported many bad blocks that would disappear after a low level format. In the case of the IBM drive & the Highpoint controller, I ended up moving the drive back to the onboard intel controller. In the case of the Prosmise and the Maxtor, I was able fix the problem with a BIOS update.

Third, it could be a virus...they're getting worse and worse. I would go so far as to say that anyone not running anti-virus software somewhat regularly *has* a virus on their system right now. (esp. nimda)

Fourth, windows could have self-destructed. Doesn't sound like it in this case though.

Fifth, it could have been a fluke...power spike, improper shutdown, etc.

Slackmaster 2000

Its a brand new box I just built two weeks ago. The drive (o/s) that is giving me the problems came out of my old system. Its a Maxtor 20.4 (7200) and when I put it in I completely reformatted.


Nothing about it the manual...and I'm currently running some tests on the drive itself. So far, every test has come up OK. There were some errors on the drive, but the utillity says it has repaired them.
That's the behavior you'll see if the hard drive and controller are not getting along. If you continue using the drive without fixing the problem, then you risk the same thing happening again.

Go into the device manager and look under IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers and SCSI and RAID controllers.

Slackmaster 2000
Just a question?

When you formatted your drive that you say brought problems to your new machine, did you format the boot sector?
A normal Fdisc or Format does not completely clear the drive.
It keep key operating instructions unless you format the boot sector.

Later FS