Straight up rock


Anybody wanna give a quick critique?

This was a side project that lasted just one afternoon. The two singers each brought three songs to the jam, and the four of us learned them, and just jammed them "live". One or two takes for all the parts. The song ends the way it does because the drummer missed the end. LOL. :)

Lemme know what you think.

New Version -

Old Version -

Last edited:
Doesn't sound terrible, but it sounds raw. It sounds well recorded, but the mixing could use some work. Some frequencies seem to be fighting each other and masking each other. It sounds like a song that could be really good, but it needs to be rehearsed, rerecorded and the remixed. I think it would be a good idea to send that mix out everyone have them practice at home and then try it again sometime over the holidays.
I like this, and I like the drums and vocal and I agree with chandler generally... but the style feels like it needs more impact. The guitar sounds lazy and too smooth and distant for me.
I thought the song was good. I thought the performances were good. The mix was OK.

Guitars sound a little too fuzzy. they're missing some top end. Like they have almost nothing above 5Khz.

Bass sounded pretty good.

I liked the drummer's style. Snare is a little dull. Needs more pop and crack. OH's missing some top end. You could probably turn up the kick a db or two.

Vocals sound pretty good. Didn't care for the reverb on them. Maybe try them totally dry?
OK, so I made a few tweaks. Re-recording is not an option, it was always meant as a "one-time" thing. It's supposed to sound a little raw, a little flawed, etc. Changed most of what TripleM suggested. Tried to eliminate some of the masking. Hopefully it's better. Also, hit the busscomp a bit harder to add a little more tube goodness/push to the mix.

All feedback welcomed!

Sounds Matchboxesque in the vocals. Nicely done overall, but although you can't re-record (it's not an option) You could mute the scratchy crap in the beginning. Any sixth grader with Sonar could. Don't mean to be cruel, but you have a lot of good stuff going on, but it is vampired up with some stuff that is avoidable. What's with the feedback and the abrupt ending. Not sure what this is about. A demo of potential? Yes, potential vocals and potential git (rhythm) but no lead. What is the meaning? A taste of what could be better. Sounds like a lot of my music projects. Perhaps you are as lazy as I am.

But you have good sounds within the confusion.

Sounds good! You should think about rerecording though. There's a couple of spots (you know where they are) that could stand some improvement. The mix is getting there. I do like the MB20 meets Steppenwolf sound!
Sounds Matchboxesque in the vocals. Nicely done overall, but although you can't re-record (it's not an option) You could mute the scratchy crap in the beginning. Any sixth grader with Sonar could. Don't mean to be cruel, but you have a lot of good stuff going on, but it is vampired up with some stuff that is avoidable. What's with the feedback and the abrupt ending. Not sure what this is about. A demo of potential? Yes, potential vocals and potential git (rhythm) but no lead. What is the meaning? A taste of what could be better. Sounds like a lot of my music projects. Perhaps you are as lazy as I am.

But you have good sounds within the confusion.


LOL. I love it!

The band only existed for a single afternoon. That's it. Won't EVER be getting back together. This was just a side project that the four of us decided to do a couple years ago as a "one day of fun in the studio" kind of thing. We originally learned, recorded, mixed, and mastered six songs in one day. The only reason I am re-mixing this is for my wife, as I can't find a copy of the original mix, but was able to find the pre-mixed cubase project that I backed up before we stared mixing that day. As far as lead guitar, the cleaner electric is as close to lead as I would ever want on this song - that's a personal taste thing, but I just don't hear it.

As far as the sound in the beginning, it's was added in on purpose. LOL. Besides, I'm only a fifth grader with Cubase. :D I thought it would make sense in the context of the song, but I guess not. It's there because of the way that the song ends. We did everything in two takes max. and that was the drummer's second take, so we rolled with it. It's my favorite part of the song.

Anyway, it's a nice departure from what I've been working on. The total other end of the spectrum. Months and months on four songs, where every single thing has been scrutinized, every note edited, every part analyzed, etc. This was supposed to be straight up rock, warts and all.....
I started listening to the 1st version then waded through comments to find there were updates...
"final" mix...
I quite like the drums as they are though when the toms are played across the stereo image there's a little too much bottom end in one ear.
I don't hear the fizz but did note the slight top end absence - doesn't matter as they are meat guitars not garnish.
The vocals are a little loud for me and his style is pretty derivative - that's hard to arrest in a mix though.
A little more dynamics other than the stop start would've been handy.
Good job alround given the limitations and circumstances.