Stingray, noisy pickups?


New member
I recently purchased a used EB Musicman Stingray for cheap. At the store, it had a noisy pickup...a buzz/hum that you could eq out with the treble band. I was fairly convinced that it was the abundance of flourescent lighting and neon signs so I didn't fret too much (nice pun eh?).

Well I was wrong, it still has the buzz.......or hum...whatever. It has an active pickup. Does anyone have any suggestions about what I should do to eliminate the problem or is it a common problem with this bass?

Any help is appreciated.


It could be a wiring or shielding problem. I would have a tech look at it.

By EQing out the buzz do you mean turning the trebble to neutral/center postition or do you have to cut the treble?

The Sting Rays are usually pretty bright on their own and with good strings should not need much treble boost. The EQ on these I believe are active with a center detent. In the middle is no boost or cut. Turning the treble all the way up on most active basses will cause some noise through your amp.
I would describe it this way: while the treble pot is at neutral (detent), the noise is noticeable. If I boost from becomes even more noisy. I don't think I would record it in either case so maybe I will bring it to a tech if I can't determine the problem on my own.
Yeah if there is a buzz with the treble in neutral there is a problem in there somewhere. I will usually open something up and look for the obvious before I take it in. Good luck and let us know what you find out.