Stepping up my preamp/converter


New member
Hey everyone, looking to maybe move up a notch or two on my recording interface. I' currently using an apogee duet, which, sonically I'm pretty pleased with - clean, simple and sounds great.

I've had some reliability problems, though. It's already been back to the factory once and its developed some hiss in one of the channels, so it needs to go back again as soon as I finish my current project.

So, what are some "next level" interfaces out there? Rackmount would be nice, and more channels would be nice too...I know about the apogee symphony, what are y'alls opinions on that? They're kind of pricey; I found one on craigslist for $1500 (used of course). Not sure if I want to spend the bucks on that, but 8 high quality channels would be really convenient.

I personally use Focusrite Sapphire Pro 40's and are very pleased with them. Coincidentally, Pro Tools has them as their #1 choice (the Sapphire series) now that they've opened up their userbase to using other interfaces.

I also use an Art Pro MPAII as my new preamp starter kit. I upgraded the Chinese Tubes with Mullard NOS AX7's and the thing is just freaking amazing. Dead quiet and, boy — the possibilities with the Impedence control.