Stay Away From The Lazer Joey! (new song)


New member
Hey y'all,

Iv got this new song finally recorded and finished and id really appreciate some feedback on it from you fine fellows. Iv been working on it for about a month and iv finally found the time to finish it and upload it! Hurrah!

I will of course be more than happy to return feedback on any other material you guys have. Cheers.

PS. The star wars montage is because my video camera broken. Still quite fun tho
Hey man, it's not a good idea to upload your song into YouTube and then post'em on this forum. As you might know, YouTube is well know for its terrible and shitty audio compression quality. Second thing it;s I'm listening to your song without watching the video beacuse, you want it or not, the images can influence a person to think your music is like a joke.

Well, on the mix.
01. Vocals
Best part of your song, the guy is in tune and the reverb is nice.

02. Bass
That sounds Ok to me, I can hear the runs and it's giving a nice support to the song.

03. Guitars
Lead guitar is collpasing against vocals. Rhythm guitar is also panned to the center and it's buried into the mix. My advice is to duplicate your rhythm guitar and pan those tracks hard right and hard left.

04. Drums
I cannot hear the kick. The snare is weak, needs more presence in the mix.You should work this aprt a little more.

Well, hope you can fix it and next time upload your thing in mySpace or similar services.