

I am using Cubase SL with a Firewire 410 (using the firewire cable to hook to my Dell notebook). Whenever I record an audio source through a microphone (SM 58) I get pops of static through out the track. Its on the recording end, they are always in the same place on play back.
It doesn't happen when I use the midi tracks so I am assuming it has something to do w/ the A/D converter.

What should I start tinkering with to address this problem?


Do the pops/clicks spike to 0 dB (full scale)? If so, it may be a clocking issue (digital synch). If not, could be a bad mic cable; or evironmentally induced. See if you can try using your microphone in a different room and whether or not the problem persists.
Make sure you have the DMA box checked in the hardware properties for your hard drive...
AlexW said:
Do the pops/clicks spike to 0 dB (full scale)? If so, it may be a clocking issue (digital synch). If not, could be a bad mic cable; or evironmentally induced. See if you can try using your microphone in a different room and whether or not the problem persists.

they don't really "spike" it kind of sounds like getting a little static when you listen to the radio. I'll try plugging my bass directly in and see if I get the same result.

