Starting to get a decent recording with the MR8!


New member
I just may end up keeping this unit, I've got a decent mic plugged in (EV PL78), and I've been playing with the amp sims, and mic placement as well trim adjustment, and I am starting to get an acceptable recording. I do think I'll get a mic pre amp, though, and keep my gain on the MR8 to a minimum.
My big problem is the instrument I'm trying to mic (ukulele) is a very quiet instrument, in comparison to a guitar or drums. So it becomes a matter of keeping the definition of the notes, and keeping my levels below clipping. I know, thats the problem with all recording isn't it? lol! Anyway, it looks like I'm on to something here, definately a bit different than the Tascam 244 I used to use, but OH! the possibilities in editing that are available with this.
Keep visiting the MR8 page I put up, I keep trying to find new stuff (like musicians friend is now out of the MR8)
Thanks again this is a killer board to learn stuff!
I just fired up my MR-8 tonight. After owning(and returning) the Tascam PS5 and the Korg PXR4, I also think this one's a keeper. Everything from the manual to the construction of the recorder itself makes me wonder why Fostex can get this stuff "right", while other vendors ship plastic toys with documentation buried on a CD.

I'm blown away by the sound of this thing! After hearing this, it's amazing how the other units (which compress the audio data) sound so "small". Unless I'm doing something wrong (or have a fried unit), the amp sims are of no use for electric guitar - they sound like variations of an amp with blown tubes and a torn speaker. Not an issue, though, since I'm sure my Line6 POD will have no problem coexisting with the MR-8 ;-)

The inclusion of the MIDI out jack and bar/beat/tempo maps is brilliant, since I've found recording audio into Cakewalk to be more trouble than it's worth - this makes it easy to flip a switch, record some guitar and vocals, and have the whole thing sync up with a MIDI rig.

Add in the ability to drag and drop WAV tracks to and from a computer without any file conversion nonsense and this thing is a winner.