Starting studio

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New member
I'm gonna set up a home studio pretty soon and I thought i'd run my setup ideas by the experienced members of the BBS. First off I was thinking of a mackie mixer (either the cfx-12 or the VLZ 1604), a gadget labs wave 8/24 sound card, cakewalk pro audio 9, and a decent computer (fast hard drive, lots of memory, Cd writer, 128 or more MB of Ram, etc.) The reason I would buy a mixer would be so I could perform mixes, it's always fun tweakin the knobs and sliding the faders. If anyone has any more ideas or input as to what I need or don't need, don't hesitate to reply to the message
If you like to keep the knobs and faders, look into the StudioMix package. It has a Peavey mixer that works with ProAudio 9. I'm not into the computer recording thing too much and I haven't used that system, but it looks interesting. I think it runs about $699. Computer not included.
I would stick with one of those Makie mixers. I have used one of those other mixers before, and they are not all they are craked up to be. If you can afford it, I would go with the 1604. This will allow you to grow in the future when you decide to buy outboard gear. A mackie mixer is a lot easier to sell if you ever wanted to upgrade at a later time.

[This message has been edited by Fishmed (edited 02-03-2000).]