Starting from the beginning!


New member
I have been around here for a while and have kept progressing (I think?). I have decided to start from the very beginning, AGAIN, to work on a home recorded demo CD. I have recorded the title track guitar and would love some thoughts on the sound i. e. too muddy, too dark, too bright etc. . . I am not trying to be little miss proffessional recording studio, just trying to get the best sound out of my own measly recordings. I have gotten many great tips and responses here before so I thought I'd try again. The top two links on this page are the newest of recordings. Please give a quick listen and tell me what you think of the recording.

My own critique of the two recordings are: #1) The first recording is a little bland and #2) This recording is a little too bright. Am I on the right track?

Well, I just listened kinda quick, but here is my 2 cents. First one is a bit muddy, second one is much better, just has a bit too much of the pick sound in a couple areas. Sounds pretty good though!
I agree with the pick noise, I just don't know how to fix it. I think it is somewhere around 3800 but can't seem to isolate it.
guitarhunny said:
I agree with the pick noise, I just don't know how to fix it. I think it is somewhere around 3800 but can't seem to isolate it.

How did you mic the guitar?
There are two guitar tracks each panned about 40% to either side. One micd at fret 14, the other micd behind sound hole slightly down. Using a SM58. Maybe I need to use a thinner pick?