Starting Electronic Rock


New member
ok, I have the following equipment:

+ Yamaha PSR2000 keyboard
+ Roland GT-6 Guitar Effects Processor multi-effects pedal that I use for keyboards as well sometimes
+ Acoustic Drums, Amps, Guitars, etc.
+ Drum mics and vocal mics and lots of cables
+ Fruity Loops 5
+ Behringer Eurorack UB1202 mixer (12channels)
+ 2x2 MIDI/USB converter

And by the end of the month, I will recieve:
+ Dell Inspiron 6000 laptop
+ A compact MIDI keyboard...probably Edirol PCRA30 32-Note Keyboard...although I haven't looked too indepthly at these so far...

I would like to know 3 things:
What can a keyboardist do with this equipment live?
Is there a way I can affect all the instruments' effects, including individual drum pieces?
What other equipment do I need/should I get to do anything interesting...

Thanks in advance...I'm really interested in what some of these artists do in concert with computers, and I'd like to see what all I can do...

edit: and do I even need a MIDI keyboard if I have the PSR 2000? I don't really know what all a MIDI controller can do that a keyboard can't...
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Listen to some of The Dissociatives live...its amazing how they can produce such great electronic rock live
1. You can do two things with this live. Either play your yamaha psr and just take 1/4 inch outs into an amp/PA OR use that laptop to use software synths with your midi controller

2. I assume you want to change each instruments effects at the same time, using the same effect. Do this by plugging that guitar processor into one of the auxilary feeds on your mixer. Then, you can adjust how much of the effect to put into each channel on the mixer.

3. You dont really need anything, but if your going to be working on the computer a lot, you might want to look into getting some intersting software synthesisers or software instruments. once you get into midi, it is amazing, because you can play a pre recorded piece with any software instrument you desire.
Thanks very much!...

I was hoping for some way to plug all the instruments into the computer and change them one at a time using a program...I have enough sound cards and a desk computer as well...but I'll try and fool around with that on my own.

Thanks again